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Many living cells, so-called eukaryotic ones, organize their genetic materials
in the cell's nucleus, enveloped by a double membrane with guarded access
through pores that involve an amazing filter. Like an ordinary filter it
permits passage of small particles (biomolecules), but not of large particles
(e.g., proteins). However, certain large particles, proteins called transport
receptors, can pass. The filter is made of long "finger" proteins anchored
inside the pores. The transport receptors can intermittently widen the
filter. But to observe how this is achieved is difficult since the finger proteins
are highly disordered. As
reported recently,
simulations using NAMD suggest now a simple and
elegant answer: the finger proteins bundle in groups of 2 - 6 and form a brush,
filling with its bristles the nuclear pores. The bristles are bundles of finger
proteins and have two key properties: (i) on their surface they are dotted with
spots of amino acid pairs, phenylalanine and glycine, that are known to interact favorably with transport receptors (see the Aug 2007 highlight, the Feb 2007 highlight, and the Jan 2006 highlight); (ii) the bristles are also interconnected, namely where finger proteins change from one bundle to another bundle, which they do with some frequency.
It appears then that the bristles of the nuclear pore filter form an
energetically favorable environment for transport receptors. A
recent report
of new simulations shows that transport
receptors are pulled into the bristles of the nuclear pore filter. More
information here.