The Theoretical and Computational Biophysics Group is a pioneer in the realm of high-performance computing. To meet our computational needs, we maintain a wide selection of computers divided into four main categories: compute power, visualization equipment, desktop workstations, and infrastructure. Additionally, we rely upon a variety of software, and are leading users of the nation's supercomputing resources.

The TCB Group is also dedicated to helping both the biomedical community, and the computational world as a whole, by sharing the knowledge developed while administering the group internally. This knowledge is shared in the user and sysadmin documentation libraries. Addititionally, source code can be found as part of the MDTools library.

Computational Facility Spotlights
VMD and a Crowd
Since 1993 we have maintained a stereo projection facility to create an interactive visual environment for computational molecular modelling. A projected computer screen serves as a window to three dimensional images which are easily viewed by groups of people. In addition, a haptic input device allows for users to actually feel the forces as they are applied to the molecular systems. More information on the facility is available here.

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