From: Axel Kohlmeyer (
Date: Wed Nov 06 2024 - 12:08:29 CST

On Mon, Nov 4, 2024 at 7:30 PM Rajahmundry Ganesh Kumar ch20d408 <> wrote:

> 1. While calculating g(r), how bulk volume is incorporated in it ?
This is documented in the VMD user guide for the "measure gofr" command.
The g(r) GUI is just a wrapper for this command. For trajectory files that
do not contain the box volume information, it is recommended to set it
manually. There is a Utilities menu in the GUI.
Otherwise it is assumed that the system is mostly water and an estimated
volume used.

> 1. (as volume shows “0” )
> [image: image]
> Is there any source of how g(r) is calculated in VMD ?
Sure, the VMD source code.

> 2.How to calculate running coordination number n(r) from VMD ?
> (i.e n(r) vs r)
This is calculated alongside the g(r). It is just a matter of outputting it.

Axel Kohlmeyer;!!DZ3fjg!-fu9-URxXaMl9ZFit6WPAsIwraSh5zTwOnM5oXOPVFwYSrKv5Zsa3DMr24nIF_3B5gxeCgpG0BmJWFm_QA$ 
Institute for Computational Molecular Science and HPC,;!!DZ3fjg!-fu9-URxXaMl9ZFit6WPAsIwraSh5zTwOnM5oXOPVFwYSrKv5Zsa3DMr24nIF_3B5gxeCgpG0BkYsMnaHw$ 
College of Science & Technology, Temple University, Philadelphia PA, USA