From: Diego Gomes (
Date: Wed Nov 06 2024 - 10:22:11 CST

Hi Rajahmundry,
1 - In the objects browser, *Vol* means how many *volume* files you've
Gaussian .cube or APBS .dx files are examples of volume files.

2 - The coordination number is the number of atoms, molecules or ions
bonded to a given atom.
*IF* you're comfortable with the automatic bond detection from VMD all you
need to do is to "getbonds".
Review the script below, you may use the VMD Terminal to run it.


# Load a ultra-high resolution PDB :)
mol new 4eic

# Create a selection for an Iron (FE) atom. [1]
set sel [atomselect top "index 689"]

# Print the bond list
set bondlist [$sel getbonds]
puts "Bonds: $bondlist"

# Print how many bonds for my selection? [2]
puts "Number of Bonds: [llength {*}$bondlist]"

# Print the bond orders
set bondorders [$sel getbondorders]
puts "Bond orders: $bondorders"

[1] Learn more about the atomselections and getting attributes from

[2] Why am I using {*}*7B*2A*7D__;JSUl!!DZ3fjg!8PM0q_qkKBAWQAWeNFTBQ_S_nduHiKTnCLevTrfeka08Wti2cAl37FrqyOa7MZcxfvwerQ04rJKLrQABCXpj$

On Mon, Nov 4, 2024 at 6:30 PM Rajahmundry Ganesh Kumar ch20d408 <> wrote:

> 1. While calculating g(r), how bulk volume is incorporated in it ? (as
> volume shows “0” )
> [image: image]
> Is there any source of how g(r) is calculated in VMD ?
> 2.How to calculate running coordination number n(r) from VMD ?
> (i.e n(r) vs r)

Diego Enry B. Gomes, PhD
Department of Physics at Auburn University &
NIH Center for Macromolecular Modeling and Visualization
Leach Science Center - Ste. 3182 - Auburn, AL