VMD-L Mailing List
From: Diego Gomes (diego.enry_at_gmail.com)
Date: Wed Oct 02 2024 - 14:04:50 CDT
- Next message: Marinus Veldhuizen: "Re: FFTK partial charge assignment weak acid ONOH (HNO2) - Water Shift settings"
- Previous message: Nakshatra Upadhyay: "Two different type of color set for potential map of overlapped molecules"
- In reply to: Nakshatra Upadhyay: "Two different type of color set for potential map of overlapped molecules"
- Next in thread: Nakshatra Upadhyay: "Re: Two different type of color set for potential map of overlapped molecules"
- Reply: Nakshatra Upadhyay: "Re: Two different type of color set for potential map of overlapped molecules"
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Hi Nakshatra, only one color scale can be used at a time :(
Instead of an overlap, it might be informative to visualize their
difference, or their correlation.
Consider using the *voltool, *check the manual for *operations on two maps.*
- Next message: Marinus Veldhuizen: "Re: FFTK partial charge assignment weak acid ONOH (HNO2) - Water Shift settings"
- Previous message: Nakshatra Upadhyay: "Two different type of color set for potential map of overlapped molecules"
- In reply to: Nakshatra Upadhyay: "Two different type of color set for potential map of overlapped molecules"
- Next in thread: Nakshatra Upadhyay: "Re: Two different type of color set for potential map of overlapped molecules"
- Reply: Nakshatra Upadhyay: "Re: Two different type of color set for potential map of overlapped molecules"
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