Kirby Vandivort
Senior Research Programmer
Work Information:
I work on
VMD and
Contact Information:
Office: 3061,
Beckman Institute
Telephone: (217) 244-1928
Personal WWW pages,
Pages not endorsed by the TCB group
In May 2006, I spent a week hiking in the Grand Canyon.
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Significant Presentations:
TeraGrid 2008 Conference
Presentation (Conference Best Science Paper)
NSF Cyberchemistry Workshop
(Presentation) 2004, Washington, D.C.
ISMB Meeting 2002, Edmonton,
- Demonstration
Biophysical Society Meeting 2002
- Poster submittal
SC Global 2001, Portland, Oregon
- Access Grid Presentation
Research Publications
Publications Database
Petascale Tcl with NAMD, VMD, and Swift/T.
James C. Phillips, John E. Stone, Kirby L. Vandivort, Timothy G. Armstrong, Justin M. Wozniak, Michael Wilde, and Klaus Schulten. In SC'14 Workshop on High Performance Technical Computing in Dynamic Languages, SC '14, pp. 6-17. IEEE Press, 2014.
Visualization of energy conversion processes in a light harvesting organelle at atomic detail.
Melih Sener, John E. Stone, Angela Barragan, Abhishek Singharoy, Ivan Teo, Kirby L. Vandivort, Barry Isralewitz, Bo Liu, Boon Chong Goh, James C. Phillips, Lena F. Kourkoutis, C. Neil Hunter, and Klaus Schulten. In Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, SC '14. IEEE Press, 2014. (4 pages).
GPU-accelerated molecular visualization on petascale supercomputing platforms.
John E. Stone, Kirby L. Vandivort, and Klaus Schulten. In Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Ultrascale Visualization, UltraVis '13, pp. 6:1-6:8, New York, NY, USA, 2013. ACM.
Immersive out-of-core visualization of large-size and long-timescale molecular dynamics trajectories.
John E. Stone, Kirby L. Vandivort, and Klaus Schulten. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6939:1-12, 2011.
Fast molecular electrostatics algorithms on GPUs.
David J. Hardy, John E. Stone, Kirby L. Vandivort, David Gohara, Christopher Rodrigues, and Klaus Schulten. In Wen-mei Hwu, editor, GPU Computing Gems, chapter 4, pp. 43-58. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2011.
GPU-accelerated computation and interactive display of molecular orbitals.
John E. Stone, David J. Hardy, Jan Saam, Kirby L. Vandivort, and Klaus Schulten. In Wen-mei Hwu, editor, GPU Computing Gems, chapter 1, pp. 5-18. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2011.
Immersive molecular visualization and interactive modeling with commodity hardware.
John E. Stone, Axel Kohlmeyer, Kirby L. Vandivort, and Klaus Schulten. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6454:382-393, 2010.
High performance computation and interactive display of molecular orbitals on GPUs and multi-core CPUs.
John E. Stone, Jan Saam, David J. Hardy, Kirby L. Vandivort, Wen-mei W. Hwu, and Klaus Schulten. In Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on General-Purpose Processing on Graphics Processing Units, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, volume 383, pp. 9-18, New York, NY, USA, 2009. ACM.
Long time and large size molecular dynamics simulations made feasible through new TeraGrid hardware and software.
Kirby Vandivort, James C. Phillips, Elizabeth Villa, Peter L. Freddolino, James Gumbart, Leonardo G. Trabuco, Danielle E. Chandler, Jen Hsin, Christopher B. Harrison, Laxmikant Kale, and Klaus Schulten. Proceedings of the 2008 TeraGrid Conference, 2008. In press.