From: John Stone (
Date: Mon Oct 17 2005 - 17:20:20 CDT

  I believe the author of this script previously had this email address
(do the usual " at " for "@" substitution): LiuxZx at

I'd suggest writing the author with these questions.
Failing that, you can figure out what the script is doing just by
reading through the code (ignoring the Tk windowing code for the most part).
If you still need help, let us know.

  John Stone

On Mon, Oct 17, 2005 at 05:19:28PM +0200, wrote:
> Dear All!
> I try to use RDF.tcl script in vmd console but I don't understand
> all options in main window RDF's. I would like to ask All about some description or manual for this script.Thanks very much.
> This script is in attachment section.
> Best regards!!!

> #!/usr/bin/wish
> # Written by Zhanwu Liu at Feb 12, 2002 for RDF calculation
> # Department of Anesthesiology, University of Pittsburgh
> # Known bugs: Cutoff, mbin x y z value should include digital point,
> # otherwise it will consider as integer operation, so cause trouble.
> # Mar 21 2002, these bugs are removed, I just realized that tcl could cast
> # the type
> set rdf [toplevel .rdfcalc]
> wm title $rdf "RDF calculation"
> # List of variables used:
> # Frame: startnum, endnum, skipnum, framenum
> # Atoms: Segname_from, Resname_from, Name_from
> # Atoms: Segname_to, Resname_to, Name_to
> # Regional: cutoff, mbin
> # Box: box_x, box_y, box_z
> # Control commands: Start Quit Cancel
> # Data: set as global, rdfdata store data, sets is the frame index
> # rdfdata is used to store the accumulation number of atoms
> # which rdffunc is used to store the g(r) value
> set rdfdata(0) 0
> set rdffunc(0) 0
> set M_PI
> set box_x 0
> set box_y 0
> set box_z 0
> #number of trajectory frames
> set framenum [molinfo top get numframes]
> #construct the user interface
> #create a frame for trajectory frame numbers
> frame $ -borderwidth 10 -relief raised
> pack $ -side top -fill x
> # Create the region showing total frame number
> label $ -text "Total $framenum Frames " -relief sunken
> pack $ -side top
> foreach key { start end skip } {
> frame $$key -borderwidth 10
> label $$key.l -text "$key"
> entry $$key.frame -width 8 -relief sunken -background pink
> pack $$key -side left
> pack $$key.l $$key.frame -side top
> }
> #frame for Atom information
> frame $rdf.atominfo -borderwidth 10
> pack $rdf.atominfo -side top
> foreach atom { from to } {
> frame $rdf.atominfo.$atom -borderwidth 10
> label $rdf.atominfo.$atom.l -text " $atom atom "
> pack $rdf.atominfo.$atom.l -side top -fill x
> foreach key { segname resname name } {
> frame $rdf.atominfo.$atom.$key
> label $rdf.atominfo.$atom.$key.l -text "$key"
> entry $rdf.atominfo.$atom.$key.key -relief sunken -width 8 -background yellow
> pack $rdf.atominfo.$atom.$key.l $rdf.atominfo.$atom.$key.key -side left
> pack $rdf.atominfo.$atom.$key -side top
> }
> pack $rdf.atominfo.$atom -side left
> }
> #Frame for data infomation
> # All these data are accessed by frame_RDF function
> frame $ -borderwidth 10
> frame $
> label $ -text "Cutoff"
> entry $ -width 8 -background black -foreground white
> pack $ $ -side top
> frame $
> label $ -text "mbin"
> entry $ -width 8 -background black -foreground white
> pack $ $ -side top
> pack $ -side top
> pack $ $ -side left
> # Frame for boundary information
> # Not implemented, so just disabled the entry part
> frame $rdf.boundary -borderwidth 10
> pack $rdf.boundary -side top
> label $rdf.boundary.l -text "Box Dimension"
> #label $rdf.boundary.l2 -text " PBC NOT IMPLEMENTED " -foreground red
> pack $rdf.boundary.l -side top -fill x
> foreach dimension { x y z } {
> frame $rdf.boundary.$dimension
> label $rdf.boundary.$dimension.l -text "$dimension"
> entry $rdf.boundary.$dimension.num -width 8 -background gold
> pack $rdf.boundary.$dimension.l $rdf.boundary.$dimension.num -side top
> pack $rdf.boundary.$dimension -side left
> }
> # Frame for command button
> frame $rdf.cmdbutton
> button $ -text "Run RDF" -command Run
> button $rdf.cmdbutton.quit -text "Quit" -command "quitRDF"
> button $ -text "Save RDF" -command "printrdf"
> pack $ $ -side left
> pack $rdf.cmdbutton.quit -side right
> pack $rdf.cmdbutton -side top
> # Frame for file
> frame $rdf.file
> label $rdf.file.label -text "Input the file name"
> entry $ -width 20
> pack $rdf.file.label $ -side top
> pack $rdf.file -side top
> #========================================================================
> #===================== frame_RDF procedure ==============================
> # procedure frame_RDF used to calculate RDF value in one frame
> # Do not process PBC now!
> proc frame_RDF { fromatomlist toatomlist cutoff dr } {
> # Frame for file
> global rdfdata
> global sets
> # id key is used to recognize different molecules, maybe segname
> # if you use psfgen to replicate molecules. Or it might
> # be resid
> #set idkey "resid"
> set idkey "segname"
> #move to the frame
> set fromcoorlist [$fromatomlist get { x y z }]
> set fromidlist [$fromatomlist get $idkey ]
> set tocoorlist [ $toatomlist get { x y z } ]
> set toidlist [$toatomlist get $idkey]
> #Accumulate the atomnumber of in certain bins. m is used to differentiate
> # atoms from same molecules so that it would not be counted in the calculation.
> #if you want to turn off this feature, simply remove this line if { $m == $n }
> foreach coordfrom $fromcoorlist m $fromidlist {
> foreach coordto $tocoorlist n $toidlist {
> if { $m == $n } continue
> set difference [vecsub $coordfrom $coordto]
> set distance [veclength $difference]
> if { $distance < $cutoff } {
> set group [expr $distance / $dr]
> set groupint [expr int ($group) ]
> set rdfdata($groupint) [expr $rdfdata($groupint)+1]
> } else continue
> }
> }
> }
> #============================================================================
> #============================================================================
> #==================== Run procedure =========================================
> # This is the main program
> #
> proc Run { } {
> global rdf
> global rdfdata
> #sets is the number of frames calculated so far, is used to calculate
> #average value
> set sets 0
> global M_PI
> set startnum [$ get]
> set endnum [$ get]
> set cutoff [expr double ([$ get])]
> set mbin [$ get ]
> set skipnum [$ get]
> if { $skipnum <= 0 } {
> puts "Skip should larger than 0 "
> return
> }
> global framenum
> set dr [expr $cutoff / $mbin ]
> global rdffunc
> global box_x
> global box_y
> global box_z
> set box_x [expr double ([$rdf.boundary.x.num get])]
> set box_y [expr double ([$rdf.boundary.y.num get])]
> set box_z [expr double ([$rdf.boundary.z.num get])]
> #build atom selection keywords for Fromatom
> set fromstring " "
> foreach key { segname resname name } {
> set frominfo [$rdf.atominfo.from.$key.key get ]
> if { $frominfo != "*" } {
> append fromstring "$key $frominfo "
> if { $key != "name" } {
> append fromstring " and "
> }
> }
> }
> #build atom selection keywords for Toatom
> set tostring " "
> foreach key { segname resname name } {
> set toinfo [$$key.key get ]
> if { $toinfo != "*" } {
> append tostring "$key $toinfo "
> if { $key != "name" } {
> append tostring " and "
> }
> }
> }
> #build selectionlist
> set fromatomlist [atomselect top "$fromstring"]
> set toatomlist [atomselect top "$tostring" ]
> #calculate the density of to_atoms
> set volume [expr $box_x * [expr $box_y * $box_z]]
> set density [expr [expr [$toatomlist num]/$volume ]*[$fromatomlist num]]
> puts "Density $density"
> # If the number of frame is wrong?
> # else initialize the store space for rdfdata, and calculate
> if { [expr { $startnum > $framenum}] ||[expr {$endnum >=$framenum }] || [expr { $startnum > $endnum}] } {
> puts "Wrong frame number "
> } else {
> for { set i 0 } { $i < $mbin } { incr i 1 } {
> set rdfdata($i) 0}
> for { set i $startnum } { $i <= $endnum } { incr i $skipnum } {
> # Call frame_RDF to calculate the numbers
> # First get the information of selections of each frame
> puts "Now processing Frame number $i, please be patient "
> set t1 [clock seconds]
> #rapidwrap $box_x $box_y $box_z $i
> $fromatomlist frame $i
> $toatomlist frame $i
> frame_RDF $fromatomlist $toatomlist $cutoff $dr
> set t2 [clock seconds]
> puts "This frame cost [expr $t2 - $t1] seconds"
> incr sets 1
> }
> # calculate the constant value for volume calculation
> # deltaV = 4/3*M_PI*$dr*$dr*$dr +4*M_PI*$dr*r1*r2
> set const1 [expr [expr 1.3333333* $M_PI] * [expr pow( $dr, 3)]]
> set const2 [expr [expr 4 * $M_PI] * $dr]
> puts "dr $dr const1 $const1 const2 $const2"
> #processing of data, RDF calculation
> puts "RDF function value"
> for { set i 0 } { $i < $mbin } { incr i 1 } {
> set r1 [expr $dr*$i]
> set r2 [expr $r1+$dr]
> set deltaV [expr $const1+[expr $const2*[expr $r1*$r2]]]
> set rdffunc($i) [expr [expr $rdfdata($i)/$density]/[expr $deltaV * $sets]]
> puts "[expr $i*$dr] $rdffunc($i)"
> }
> # Draw on VMD display
> draw color red
> draw line {0 0 0 } {20 0 0 }
> draw line {0 0 0 } { 0 20 0 }
> draw line {0 0 0 } { 0 0 20 }
> draw color white
> for { set j 2 } { $j < $mbin } { incr j 1 } {
> set first "[expr [expr $j-1]*$dr] $rdffunc([expr $j-1]) 0 "
> set second "[expr $j*$dr] $rdffunc($j) 0"
> draw line $first $second
> }
> }
> }
> #=====================================================================================
> #=====================================================================================
> #======================== quitrdf procedure ==========================================
> # To aviod quit by mistake! Prefer to cancel the quit command
> proc quitRDF { } {
> global rdf
> frame $rdf.quitrdf
> label $rdf.quitrdf.quitmessage -text "Really want to quit?" -foreground red
> button $rdf.quitrdf.confirmquit -text "Quit RDF" -command "destroy $rdf "
> button $rdf.quitrdf.cancel -text "Cancel" -command "destroy $rdf.quitrdf"
> bind $rdf.quitrdf.cancel <Return> "destroy $rdf.quitrdf"
> focus $rdf.quitrdf.cancel
> pack $rdf.quitrdf.quitmessage -side top
> pack $rdf.quitrdf.confirmquit $rdf.quitrdf.cancel -side left
> pack $rdf.quitrdf -side top
> }
> #=====================================================================================
> #=====================================================================================
> #========================== printrdf procedure =======================================
> # Print out rdf value or store to a file
> proc printrdf { } {
> global rdf
> set cutoff [expr double ([$ get])]
> set mbin [$ get ]
> set dr [expr $cutoff / $mbin ]
> global rdf
> set mbin [$ get ]
> global rdffunc
> set filename [$ get]
> set fileId [open $filename w 0755 ]
> for { set i 0 } { $i < $mbin } { incr i 1 } {
> puts $fileId "[expr $i*$dr] $rdffunc($i)"
> }
> close $fileId
> }
> #=======================================================================================

NIH Resource for Macromolecular Modeling and Bioinformatics
Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology
University of Illinois, 405 N. Mathews Ave, Urbana, IL 61801
Email:                 Phone: 217-244-3349
  WWW:      Fax: 217-244-6078