VMD-L Mailing List
From: Nathan Kern (nathan.kern_at_lehigh.edu)
Date: Fri Sep 23 2022 - 15:13:43 CDT
- Next message: Josh Vermaas: "Re: Ramachandran Dihedral Angles Suspiciously Constant"
- Previous message: Ackad, Edward: "Period images not appearing"
- In reply to: Ackad, Edward: "Period images not appearing"
- Next in thread: Ackad, Edward: "Re: Period images not appearing"
- Reply: Ackad, Edward: "Re: Period images not appearing"
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Are you sure the files you're loading contain PBC info? Alternatively, are
you adding the PBC dimensions manually?
Some formats (e.g., .gro, .dcd) contain the box dimensions, but not all do.
For those where it's missing, you have to add it manually with pbc
<http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd/plugins/pbctools/#x1-30003> set
On Fri, Sep 23, 2022 at 4:09 PM Ackad, Edward <eackad_at_siue.edu> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've been having issues with the periodic images not showing up in vmd
> 1.9.4a51 and a55 (possibly older versions). It seems like the boxes don't
> work since no additional image shows up but if I make a lot of images I can
> see the sending slows by becoming less responsive. I've tried the different
> render modes and all have the same issues. I've tried turning the rendering
> off, the representation on/off, drawstyle changes. Nothing changes
> anything. Moreover, clicking off the Self box does not remove the self
> image. I've tried loading with psf+pdb and just pdb for many different
> molecules, it seems to be file independent.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks!
> Eddie
> _________________________________________________________
> Edward Ackad, Ph.D
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.siue.edu/*7Eeackad__;JQ!!DZ3fjg!--mLijQpVvRhPGx7wR0AvBVWvQtZ3Vfjb_-D9Inr1gSNj5HP58jn7IqpnXt3zxGchn_9f1VHqt_3Y476ZA$>
> Associate Professor of Physics
> Computational Nanophotonics/Biophysics
> Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
> (618) 650-2390
- Next message: Josh Vermaas: "Re: Ramachandran Dihedral Angles Suspiciously Constant"
- Previous message: Ackad, Edward: "Period images not appearing"
- In reply to: Ackad, Edward: "Period images not appearing"
- Next in thread: Ackad, Edward: "Re: Period images not appearing"
- Reply: Ackad, Edward: "Re: Period images not appearing"
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