VMD-L Mailing List
From: Georcki Ropon (groponp_at_gmail.com)
Date: Mon Dec 06 2021 - 15:40:55 CST
- Next message: Kiana Jahani: "Re: Fatal error: Unable to find dihedral parameters"
- Previous message: Yogesh Sharma: "RE: Usage of the Orient package"
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Dear User,
Anybody have or can provide me following article
250.J. Vermaas, C. Mayne, E. Shinn, and E. Tajkhorshid (2021)
Assembly and Analysis of Cell-Scale Membrane Envelopes.
J. Chem. Inf. Modeling, in press <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://pubs.acs.org/journal/jcisd8__;!!DZ3fjg!uiDLgbaAyoOAb8sk2GD30jsU-4FjNmQbNXfmGDepuimNRMflssp0XwiDza8Djnof2g$ >.
I’m very interested to read.
- Next message: Kiana Jahani: "Re: Fatal error: Unable to find dihedral parameters"
- Previous message: Yogesh Sharma: "RE: Usage of the Orient package"
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