VMD-L Archive

VMD-L has 1702 subscribers as of Thu Feb 6 02:21:40 CST 2025.

Messages indexed by thread, date, and subject:

VMD-L Charter

VMD-L is a forum for the discussion and exchange of ideas between the users and developers of VMD. Topics range from script writing questions, to bugs and workarounds, new features, and whatever other topics the VMD user community might deem appropriate. New versions of VMD will also be announced to the list.

Posting messages to VMD-L

VMD-L is unmoderated, however posting is limited to only those people that are subscribed to the list. This prevents email spammers from abusing the list. If you are not subscribed to the list, your post will be silently dropped. Make sure that you post from the same email address you subscribed with. If you don't see your post within a day after you sent it, its likely that your email was dropped due to a mismatch between your posting address and your subscription address. To send a message to VMD-L, email to vmd-l@ks.uiuc.edu.

How to Subscribe

To subscribe to the VMD list, send an email message to majordomo@ks.uiuc.edu. In the body of the email message write the single line containing:
            subscribe vmd-l

How to Unsubscribe

To unsubscribe from VMD-L, send an email message to majordomo@ks.uiuc.edu. In the body of the email message write the single line containing:
            unsubscribe vmd-l

Digest version of VMD-L

To get VMD-L digests rather than every individual message, subscribe/unsubscribe as above, but use the list name 'vmd-l-digest' in place of 'vmd-l'.