From: Steve Smith (
Date: Tue Aug 24 2010 - 10:33:48 CDT

John -
> The linkage errors you are getting appear to be caused by a mismatched
> target architecture when you are compiling. How did you compile the
> other codes (e.g. ACTC?)
%cd actc; make

It wasn't obvious (to me) how to be more specific than that.
> Generally speaking, the easiest way to compile VMD is begin small,
> compiling against only the depencies and libraries that are absolutely
> necessary to get things up and running. For a basic VMD compilation,
> you need:
> FLTK, Tcl/Tk, and a compiled VMD plugin tree
I was wondering what the minimal configuration might be... that was one
of my imagined parallel paths, trying to find the minimal set... I'll
start here. It is quite possible that I don't need more than this.
> If you want to include NetCDF support, then you'll need that at the outset
> when you begin building the plugins.
> I would disable ACTC and LIBTACHYON and all that stuff to start with,
> until you get things going.
> You would setup a minimal MacOS X x86 build like this:
OK... I'll give that a whirl.
> >From there, you can add the other libraries or features you want, but I
> would wait until you get the basic compilation done and you have no
> other troubles.
> By default, VMD looks for all of the library dependencies in the
> vmd/lib directory. This is because we link against our own compilations
> of Tcl/Tk etc, that are known to have fewer bugs than whatever version
> the vendors may be shipping at any given time. I have in the past tried
> to make Mac versions that use the Apple-provided Tcl/Tk and Python, but
> those attempts turned out to be pointless, as the Apple-provided versions
> were rife with bugs that made the VMD builds unstable. Given that one has
> no influence over what versions the vendors include with the OS, this
> leaves us in a position to stick with our own builds, and to statically
> link where possible rather than dynamically linking, to prevent various
> shared library conflicts (though they are typically a bigger problem on
> the Windows platform than anywhere else).
> If you want to make VMD use your own libraries, you need to edit the
> default paths in the configure script to point at your own directories.
> These are generally easy to find, they are variables in the configure
> script:
> fltk_dir
> stock_tcl_include_dir
> stock_tk_library_dir
> and so on.
> The Tcl/Tk paths can also be overidden by environment variables:
> Let me know if you have specific questions and I'm happy to help out.
Thanks! The (real) fun will start after this as we try to add in
support for multi-projector output with warping for our dome(s). From
the little I can suss out in the code, it seems like a wash as to
whether to try to use the CAVE code or start a whole new display device...

- Steve

Los Alamos Visualization Associates
4200 W. Jemez rd
Los Alamos, NM 87544