From: John Stone (
Date: Tue Jun 21 2005 - 15:43:11 CDT
It's possible that you've found a bug in either AutoIMD itself, or
in the Windows version of NAMD. Can you try running NAMD manually on
your Windows machine and see if it starts up and runs a simple simulation ok?
Do you get a similar "abnormal program termination" message if you run
NAMD by itself, or only when run from the AutoIMD plugin?
There's a simple IMD test system you can load and run manually if you
aren't already familiar with NAMD.
John Stone
On Mon, Jun 20, 2005 at 01:40:29PM +0200, Anna Modzelewska wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm fighting with AutoIMD. I tried to run a simulation on PC with WindowsXP and anotherone with Windows2000. On both I got the same error: "Attempt to connnect to the simulation timed out!" and the information in the log file: "abnormal program termination" (see attached file). It can not be a fault of my input files (I took the tutorial files from the nanotube tutorial). Maybe I should precise some additional paths in plugin's files?
> Does anyone use AutoIMD on Windows PC? Did it work without any problems?
> Please, help!!!
> Anna
> ************************************************************************
> Anna Modzelewska, M.Sc.
> International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology
> Trojdena 4, 02-109 Warsaw, Poland
> phone: +48 22 5970721 fax: +48 22 5970715
> ************************************************************************
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