From: Anna Modzelewska (
Date: Wed Jun 22 2005 - 05:29:52 CDT
I think I found the source of my problem, but I don't know how to fix it.
I upgraded namd to v2.5 and I still got the same error. When I run namd manually it works correctly. I tried to do the test that you recomended, and I received an error: "unable to open parameter file, abnormal program termination". In the imd.nadm file I typed in the exact path to the parameter and structure files. After that namd run correctly and I could connect to the simulation with vmd. I did the same thing with Autoimd. I submited the job from the autoimd window, then changed the autoimd.namd file (I inputed the paths for parameters and structure), then run namd manually and finally connected the simulation from the autoimd window. It worked.
Is there a way to make the autoimd plugin insert the exact path to required simulation files in the *.namd files?
----- Original Message -----
From: John Stone
To: Anna Modzelewska
Cc: ;
Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2005 10:43 PM
Subject: Re: vmd-l: autoimd on windows
It's possible that you've found a bug in either AutoIMD itself, or
in the Windows version of NAMD. Can you try running NAMD manually on
your Windows machine and see if it starts up and runs a simple simulation ok?
Do you get a similar "abnormal program termination" message if you run
NAMD by itself, or only when run from the AutoIMD plugin?
There's a simple IMD test system you can load and run manually if you
aren't already familiar with NAMD.
John Stone
On Mon, Jun 20, 2005 at 01:40:29PM +0200, Anna Modzelewska wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm fighting with AutoIMD. I tried to run a simulation on PC with WindowsXP and anotherone with Windows2000. On both I got the same error: "Attempt to connnect to the simulation timed out!" and the information in the log file: "abnormal program termination" (see attached file). It can not be a fault of my input files (I took the tutorial files from the nanotube tutorial). Maybe I should precise some additional paths in plugin's files?
> Does anyone use AutoIMD on Windows PC? Did it work without any problems?
> Please, help!!!
> Anna
> ************************************************************************
> Anna Modzelewska, M.Sc.
> International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology
> Trojdena 4, 02-109 Warsaw, Poland
> phone: +48 22 5970721 fax: +48 22 5970715
> ************************************************************************
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