From: Anna Modzelewska (
Date: Mon Jun 20 2005 - 06:40:29 CDT
I'm fighting with AutoIMD. I tried to run a simulation on PC with WindowsXP and anotherone with Windows2000. On both I got the same error: "Attempt to connnect to the simulation timed out!" and the information in the log file: "abnormal program termination" (see attached file). It can not be a fault of my input files (I took the tutorial files from the nanotube tutorial). Maybe I should precise some additional paths in plugin's files?
Does anyone use AutoIMD on Windows PC? Did it work without any problems?
Please, help!!!
Anna Modzelewska, M.Sc.
International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology
Trojdena 4, 02-109 Warsaw, Poland
phone: +48 22 5970721 fax: +48 22 5970715
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