TCBG Papers and Presentations at Supercomputing 2015
TCB Group Papers:
Finalist, SC15 Visualization and Data Analytics Showcase
TCB Group Presentations:
- 4:15 pm, Saturday, November 14, 2015, Omni Hotel, Austin, TX, Intel HPC Developer Conference
Presentation: "Visualizing Biomolecular Complexes on x86 and KNL Platforms: Integrating VMD and OSPRay"
Speaker: John Stone
- 9:00 am, Sunday, November 15, 2015, Austin, TX, ACM/IEEE, SC15 workshop on Portability Among HPC Architectures for Scientific Applications
Keynote Lecture: "Lessons in Portabilty from NAMD and Charm++"
Speaker: James Phillips
- 2:30 pm, Sunday, November 15, 2015, Austin, TX, ACM/IEEE, SC15 workshop on Visualization Technology
Keynote Lecture: "Frontiers of Molecular Visualization: Interactive Ray Tracing, Panoramic Displays, VR HMDs, and Remote Visualization"
Speaker: John Stone
- 3:30pm, Tuesday, November 17, 2015, Austin, TX, ACM/IEEE, SC15 NVIDIA GPU Technology Theater
Lecture: "Petascale Biomolecular Simulation with NAMD on Titan, Blue Waters, and Summit"
Speaker: James Phillips
- 5:30pm, Tuesday, November 17, 2015, Austin, TX, ACM/IEEE, SC15 BoF Interactivity in Supercomputing
Contributor: John Stone
- 3:30pm, Wednesday, November 18, 2015, Austin, TX, ACM/IEEE, SC15 NVIDIA GPU Technology Theater
Lecture: "VMD+OptiX: Bringing Interactive Molecular Ray Tracing from Remote GPU Clusters to Your VR Headset"
Speaker: John Stone
- 12:15pm, Thursday, November 19, 2015, Austin, TX, ACM/IEEE, SC15 BoF Charm++ and AMPI: Adaptive and Asynchronous Parallel Programming
Lecture: "Charm++ Applications - NAMD: Molecular Dynamics"
Speaker: James Phillips
- 9:00 am, Friday, November 20, 2015, Austin, TX, ACM/IEEE, SC15 workshop on Producing High Performance and Sustainable Software for Molecular Simulation
Invited Lecture: "NAMD: Innovation Beyond Petascale"
Speaker: James Phillips