Computational Biophysics Workshop - Champaign, Aug. 10-14, 2009
Participant Profile
There were twenty-one
participants in the workshop. Each individual applied for a seat, and
was selected from a pool of 119 applicants.The average profile
of a participant was a graduate student pursuing a
doctorate.  While all participants were affiliated with educational
institutions, there was variety in their citizenship. A distribution of education is
provided in Table 1 and of industry in Table 2.
Table 1: Breakdown of Participants and their current educational standing. |
Table 2: Distribution of types of participant work locations. |
Name | Institute | Education | Citizenship |
Saad Algarni | Worcester Polytechnic Institute | PhD Student | USA |
Michael Baxa | University of Chicago | PhD Student | USA |
Courtney Croke | Colorado State University | PhD Student | USA |
Alper Dagcan | University of Chicago | PhD Student | Turkish |
Mathew Davenport | University of California at Irvine | PhD Student | USA |
Jie Fu | Columbia University | PhD Student | China |
Wenxun Gan | University of Chicago | PhD Student | China |
Julie Grouleff | Aarhus University | Masters Student | Denmark |
Raghuraman Hariharasundaram | The University of Chicago | Postdoctoral Associate | India |
Segun Jung | New York University | PhD Student | Korean |
Thomas Lemmin | Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne | PhD Student | USA |
Antoine Loquet | Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique | PhD Student | France |
Amr Majul | George Mason University | Masters Student | USA |
Davi Ortega | University of Tennessee | PhD Student | Spain |
David Papke | University of Illinois | PhD Student | USA |
Katrine Skeby | Aarhus University | BA/BS Degree | Denmark |
Fidan Sumbul | Bogazici University | PhD Student | Turkey |
Tairan Yuwen | Purdue University | PhD Student | China |
Chunyu Wang | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute | PhD | USA |
Whasil Lee | Duke University | PhD Student | South Korea |
Myongsin Yi | University of Illinois | PhD Student | USA |