From: Vermaas, Josh (
Date: Thu Dec 19 2024 - 14:25:08 CST

Hi Raman,

I wrote this plugin, but I’m bad at remembering when it actually got incorporated into the source tree. By the looks of things in the development logs (, the TPR file reader changes only made it in *after* 1.9.4a57, and that appears to be the version available on the VMD website on the main download page. The TPR reader is integrated into the more recent alpha releases that are not on the download page (boo!) but are in CVS (yay!). See for details on how to get access.


From: <> on behalf of Raman Preet Singh <>
Date: Thursday, December 19, 2024 at 1:56 PM
To: "" <>
Subject: vmd-l: Using tprplugin

Hi All,

VMD website mentions that version 1.9.4 supports Gromacs tpr files. I have VMD 1.9.9a57 on Linux workstation which was installed from VMD binary. I have loaded Gromacs gro file but couldn't find a way to load the tpr file. Using "New Molecule" or "Load Data Into Molecule" gives an error "Please select a file type."

Could someone please suggest how to load the tpr file.


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