VMD-L Mailing List
From: Roshan Shrestha (roshanpra_at_gmail.com)
Date: Wed Nov 20 2024 - 11:40:19 CST
- Next message: Isralewitz, Barry: "Re: VMD always open from home folder in Mac"
- Previous message: Carlos Simmerling: "Re: black VMD opengl screen after replacing GPU"
- Next in thread: Isralewitz, Barry: "Re: VMD always open from home folder in Mac"
- Reply: Isralewitz, Barry: "Re: VMD always open from home folder in Mac"
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It may be a very stupid question, but I am not very used to using
VMD on a Mac. I have used Linux in the past, so playing with vmdrc
file would solve everything. So, I recently installed vmd on my mac,
but the issue is, that it always opens from the home folder even
though I give a command to open vmd from the folder I wanted to open
it from. I tried to add cd [pwd] on the vmdrc, but to no avail. What
can be the issue in here, and how can I solve this. Thanks.
With best regards
-- Roshan Shrestha PhD Student MOBI team Molecular Microbiology and Structural Biochemistry (MMSB) - UMR5086 Institut de Biologie et Chimie des Protéines (IBCP) 7 passage du Vercors 69367 LYON Cedex 07
- Next message: Isralewitz, Barry: "Re: VMD always open from home folder in Mac"
- Previous message: Carlos Simmerling: "Re: black VMD opengl screen after replacing GPU"
- Next in thread: Isralewitz, Barry: "Re: VMD always open from home folder in Mac"
- Reply: Isralewitz, Barry: "Re: VMD always open from home folder in Mac"
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