VMD-L Mailing List
From: Diego Gomes (diego.enry_at_gmail.com)
Date: Thu Dec 07 2023 - 09:22:00 CST
- Next message: Suleman Ansari (P19PH004): "Re: how to control "offset" and "midpoint" of color scale simultaneously using tk-console"
- Previous message: SHIVAM TIWARI: "Re: Issue assigning impropers with topotools"
- In reply to: Suleman Ansari (P19PH004): "how to control "offset" and "midpoint" of color scale simultaneously using tk-console"
- Next in thread: Suleman Ansari (P19PH004): "Re: how to control "offset" and "midpoint" of color scale simultaneously using tk-console"
- Reply: Suleman Ansari (P19PH004): "Re: how to control "offset" and "midpoint" of color scale simultaneously using tk-console"
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Hi Suleman,
I was also unable to set offset and midpoint of color scale using tcl
commands in the tk console without changing one another, as you described.
Those variables are likely to be bound in src code.
Before diving into source code to investigate the issue, would you
share what you would like to achieve?
It might be more straightforward to redefine a color method.
- Next message: Suleman Ansari (P19PH004): "Re: how to control "offset" and "midpoint" of color scale simultaneously using tk-console"
- Previous message: SHIVAM TIWARI: "Re: Issue assigning impropers with topotools"
- In reply to: Suleman Ansari (P19PH004): "how to control "offset" and "midpoint" of color scale simultaneously using tk-console"
- Next in thread: Suleman Ansari (P19PH004): "Re: how to control "offset" and "midpoint" of color scale simultaneously using tk-console"
- Reply: Suleman Ansari (P19PH004): "Re: how to control "offset" and "midpoint" of color scale simultaneously using tk-console"
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