VMD-L Mailing List
From: Roni Saiba (ronis_at_imsc.res.in)
Date: Tue Nov 21 2023 - 22:02:41 CST
- Next message: Josh: "Re: SASA Cutoff Value for Residues on Protein Surface"
- Previous message: Kevin Lin: "SASA Cutoff Value for Residues on Protein Surface"
- In reply to: Kevin Lin: "SASA Cutoff Value for Residues on Protein Surface"
- Next in thread: Josh: "Re: SASA Cutoff Value for Residues on Protein Surface"
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Giving individual residues as selection will cause higher values of
SASA as surrounding residues are not considered. If you add the
"-restrict $restrict_sel", where $restrict_sel is the selction
hindering full solvent access to the residue you will get lower values.
Quoting Kevin Lin <klin665_at_uchicago.edu>:
> Hello,
> I currently have a simulation of a protein in a waterbox. I'm
> looking to identify residues on the protein surface throughout the
> simulation using the measure sasa command. I am aware that the sasa
> command returns a surface area value for each selection I input it,
> which I'm currently giving residues. So far, I'm seeing values
> between 300 and up to over 1000. Is there a suggested threshold for
> a sasa cutoff value to identify which residues are on the surface,
> or is there a better way to do this?
> Any tips would be greatly appreciated!
> Thanks!
- Next message: Josh: "Re: SASA Cutoff Value for Residues on Protein Surface"
- Previous message: Kevin Lin: "SASA Cutoff Value for Residues on Protein Surface"
- In reply to: Kevin Lin: "SASA Cutoff Value for Residues on Protein Surface"
- Next in thread: Josh: "Re: SASA Cutoff Value for Residues on Protein Surface"
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