VMD-L Mailing List
From: Pacci Evaristo, Felipe Fabricio (felipepacci_at_gmail.com)
Date: Sun Feb 26 2023 - 14:39:37 CST
- Next message: bibhab majumdar: "Rotation of the color scale bar in VMD"
- Previous message: Sruthi Sudhakar: "Question about NMD file visualization"
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I have a series of systems that are similar to each other, but their box
sizes are different from one another. I want to take comparative snapshots
of these systems such that their length scale is always the same (i.e., the
relationship between 1 σ in the system and 1 in. on the screen is constant
across all systems). I've tried to use the "display distance" command for
that, but that command doesn't seem to have any effect on the scene. The
"display height" command does have an effect on the scene, but it doesn't
accomplish what I want. Am I missing something obvious here?
I'm running Version 0.0.1d1 on Ventura 13.0.1.
*Felipe Fabricio Pacci Evaristo*
*Mobile:* +1 (773) 569-2978
*Email:* felipepacci_at_gmail.com
*Skype:* felipepacci
*Pronouns:* he/him/his
- Next message: bibhab majumdar: "Rotation of the color scale bar in VMD"
- Previous message: Sruthi Sudhakar: "Question about NMD file visualization"
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