VMD-L Mailing List
From: Trifan, Anda (atrifan2_at_illinois.edu)
Date: Thu Aug 25 2022 - 11:56:11 CDT
- Next message: michaelmorgan937_at_gmail.com: "RE: rdf with respect to a specific point"
- Previous message: Efthymiou, Christos: "DisRG Plugin Availability"
- In reply to: Efthymiou, Christos: "DisRG Plugin Availability"
- Next in thread: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: DisRG Plugin Availability"
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Hope this helps:
# Load the system and the trajectory
source ../load_linkers.tcl
cd analysis_full
foreach mol {0 1 2} {
#set up the atom selections
set sel1 [atomselect $mol "name NZ"]
set sel2 [atomselect $mol "name P and resname POPC"]
set outfile [open gofr_pc_first_$mol.dat w]
#calculate g(r)
for { set i 1} {$i < 500 } {incr i 1} {
set gr [measure gofr $sel1 $sel2 delta .1 rmax 10 usepbc 1 selupdate 1 first 1 last $i step 1]
#set up the outfile and write out the data
set r [lindex $gr 0]
set gr2 [lindex $gr 1]
set igr [lindex $gr 2]
set m 0
foreach j $r k $gr2 l $igr {
puts $outfile "$j $k $l"
close $outfile
#exit vmd
From: owner-vmd-l_at_ks.uiuc.edu <owner-vmd-l_at_ks.uiuc.edu> on behalf of Efthymiou, Christos <christos.dereschuk.20_at_ucl.ac.uk>
Date: Thursday, August 25, 2022 at 11:41 AM
To: vmd-l_at_ks.uiuc.edu <vmd-l_at_ks.uiuc.edu>
Subject: vmd-l: DisRG Plugin Availability
I would like to calculate the radius of gyration over the course of my NAMD simulation. I came across a paper discussing the DisRG plugin which can be used to calculate the radius of gyration. However, the link provided in the paper is broken and I cannot find any other sites with the code for this plugin. Does anyone have a link to the code so that I can install this plugin?
If not, is there a script that can be used? I found a script on the VMD website for a PDB file, but I cannot find one to loop over the trajectory.
Thank you!
- Next message: michaelmorgan937_at_gmail.com: "RE: rdf with respect to a specific point"
- Previous message: Efthymiou, Christos: "DisRG Plugin Availability"
- In reply to: Efthymiou, Christos: "DisRG Plugin Availability"
- Next in thread: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: DisRG Plugin Availability"
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