VMD-L Mailing List
From: Sunidhi Lenka (sunidhilenkabb_at_gmail.com)
Date: Fri Oct 15 2021 - 13:47:32 CDT
- Next message: Mahsa: "VMD Movie Plugin for MacOS"
- Previous message: Alexander Balaeff: "How can I make VMD use the correct graphics card in a Remote Desktop session?"
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I installed the VMD 1.9.4a51 for MacOS X, 64-bit Intel x86 (x86_64)
version of vmd. This version is not showing any netcdf extension for
loading trajectories.
I am looking at vmd 1.9.3 versions but they are 32 bit binaries and when I
installed it I get a "Bad CPU type in executable error."
Can you please assist me with the netcdf extension for vmd Mac? My system
is mac OS Big sur version 11.6. The processor is 2.6 GHz 6-Core Intel Core
- Next message: Mahsa: "VMD Movie Plugin for MacOS"
- Previous message: Alexander Balaeff: "How can I make VMD use the correct graphics card in a Remote Desktop session?"
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