VMD-L Mailing List
From: Yujie Wu (yujie.wu_at_gmail.com)
Date: Thu Jul 29 2021 - 23:54:33 CDT
- Next message: Miro Astore: "Re: VMD high DPI"
- Previous message: zeynab hosseini: "Problem with Psfgen 2.0 to create Drude FF .psf file for amino acid"
- Next in thread: Miro Astore: "Re: VMD high DPI"
- Reply: Miro Astore: "Re: VMD high DPI"
- Reply: Dow Hurst: "Re: VMD high DPI"
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This is just the old problem: VMD fonts on the GUI are way too small when
displayed on a high DPI screen. Is there a working solution now? Or has
this been resolved in the latest 1.9.4 beta version? Thanks.
- Next message: Miro Astore: "Re: VMD high DPI"
- Previous message: zeynab hosseini: "Problem with Psfgen 2.0 to create Drude FF .psf file for amino acid"
- Next in thread: Miro Astore: "Re: VMD high DPI"
- Reply: Miro Astore: "Re: VMD high DPI"
- Reply: Dow Hurst: "Re: VMD high DPI"
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