VMD-L Mailing List
From: Miro Astore (miro.astore_at_gmail.com)
Date: Thu Jul 23 2020 - 19:11:24 CDT
- Next message: Michael Robinson: "Re: resizing display exits vmd"
- Previous message: Chang, Christopher: "Configuring Tkcon in VMD for Catalina to access history with up arrow"
- Next in thread: Michael Robinson: "Re: resizing display exits vmd"
- Reply: Michael Robinson: "Re: resizing display exits vmd"
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I am trying to render some movies using scripts on my cluster and I'm
noticing vmd exits when run
display resize
This seems rather odd to me, no error messages are printed. Any one
interested in helping me debug this?
System is nci gadi but I'm not sure what technical details would be
Best, Miro
-- Miro A. Astore (he/him) PhD Candidate | Computational Biophysics Office 434 A28 School of Physics University of Sydney
- Next message: Michael Robinson: "Re: resizing display exits vmd"
- Previous message: Chang, Christopher: "Configuring Tkcon in VMD for Catalina to access history with up arrow"
- Next in thread: Michael Robinson: "Re: resizing display exits vmd"
- Reply: Michael Robinson: "Re: resizing display exits vmd"
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