VMD-L Mailing List
From: Kliuchnikov, Evgenii (Evgenii_Kliuchnikov_at_student.uml.edu)
Date: Mon Sep 16 2019 - 12:53:42 CDT
- Next message: Michael Morgan: "correct "origin" in VMD"
- Previous message: Gianfranco Abrusci: "Re: For calculating the number of osmolytes molecules"
- Next in thread: Miro Astore: "Re: VMD segmentation fault (core dumped)"
- Reply: Miro Astore: "Re: VMD segmentation fault (core dumped)"
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Hello VMD users,
I have pdb-file and dcd-trajectory that can be loaded into that pdb. After that I save last frame of this trajectory, but when I try to load this last frame in vmd it gives me segmentation fault error. What could be the problem?
- Next message: Michael Morgan: "correct "origin" in VMD"
- Previous message: Gianfranco Abrusci: "Re: For calculating the number of osmolytes molecules"
- Next in thread: Miro Astore: "Re: VMD segmentation fault (core dumped)"
- Reply: Miro Astore: "Re: VMD segmentation fault (core dumped)"
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