VMD-L Mailing List
From: jiali wang (jialiwangnamd_at_gmail.com)
Date: Sat Sep 14 2019 - 20:25:54 CDT
- Next message: Chitrak Gupta: "Re: namd-l: Is there someway to render protein picture without background color?"
- Previous message: Suchetana Gupta: "Re: Change of colour for bond distance"
- Next in thread: Chitrak Gupta: "Re: namd-l: Is there someway to render protein picture without background color?"
- Reply: Chitrak Gupta: "Re: namd-l: Is there someway to render protein picture without background color?"
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Hi everyone,
Is there someway to take picture from VMD, but only leave protein
picture without background picture(transparency background)?
thank you!!
- Next message: Chitrak Gupta: "Re: namd-l: Is there someway to render protein picture without background color?"
- Previous message: Suchetana Gupta: "Re: Change of colour for bond distance"
- Next in thread: Chitrak Gupta: "Re: namd-l: Is there someway to render protein picture without background color?"
- Reply: Chitrak Gupta: "Re: namd-l: Is there someway to render protein picture without background color?"
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