VMD-L Mailing List
From: John H (johnhamre3_at_gmail.com)
Date: Mon Jun 17 2019 - 10:56:24 CDT
- Next message: Parviz Seifpanahi Shabane: "How to get box information from file.dcd."
- Previous message: Bennion, Brian: "Re: How to calculate water density."
- Next in thread: Bassam Haddad: "Re: Merging two proteins"
- Reply: Bassam Haddad: "Re: Merging two proteins"
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I’m trying to merge pdf’s and psf’s but am having trouble. I have been
loading 2 proteins, using these commands;
set sel [atomselect 0 all]
$sel moveby {0 20 0}
And get a nice image of the separated proteins. The problem is that when I
use any “merge” function I get the protein not as I see them after the
“moveby” command, but together in the same space again. Does anyone know a
way around this? Thanks.
- Next message: Parviz Seifpanahi Shabane: "How to get box information from file.dcd."
- Previous message: Bennion, Brian: "Re: How to calculate water density."
- Next in thread: Bassam Haddad: "Re: Merging two proteins"
- Reply: Bassam Haddad: "Re: Merging two proteins"
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