VMD-L Mailing List
From: Stefan Boresch (stefan_at_mdy.univie.ac.at)
Date: Wed Mar 27 2019 - 03:01:06 CDT
- Next message: Peter Freddolino: "Re: Re: VMD on a WINDOWS 7 64-bit computer"
- Previous message: Brian Radak: "Re: VMD psfgen lonepair handling"
- Next in thread: Peter Freddolino: "Re: Re: VMD on a WINDOWS 7 64-bit computer"
- Reply: Peter Freddolino: "Re: Re: VMD on a WINDOWS 7 64-bit computer"
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Hi James,
[cc-ing this to the VMD list]
I am afraid I can't help you, as (1) I use VMD for visualization only, and
(2) use Linux as my main platform.
My recent question about VMD/Windows on the list was concerned with
getting a VMD version on students' laptops, which can download coordinates
directly from the pdb.
Ashar Malik's workaround for that
is a good fix for regular users, but I was afraid that it would not help
novices too much.
Hopefully some real Windows/VMD user can help you out!
On Wed, Mar 27, 2019 at 02:13:04AM +0000, James T. Metz wrote:
> Stefan,
> Hello. I am attempting to get VMD 1.9.3 running properly on a WINDOWS 7 64-bit laptopcomputer. I am interested in being able to perform various calculations of small moleculesand proteins to obtain interaction energies and ultimately free energies. I am havingsome problems. I found your name on the VMD mailing list associated with WINDOWS,so I am assuming that you are using VMD on a WINDOWS computer.
> Do you have possibly versions of sqm and antechamber from AMBER Tools that have
> been properly compiled for VMD for WINDOWS 7 64-bit? I have obtained the latest version of AMBER Tools, I installed Cygwin, and I have tried several times to get everything compiled properly, but I am getting many error messages and I am not an expert at getting programs compiled properly! I am specifically interested inthese two programs at present, as they seem to be associated with the molefactureextension that seems to be necessary for parameterizing small molecules.
> On the other hand, if you know of some way to obtain proper parameter files
> for small molecules for VMD without using molefacture, I would be interested to learn your workflow.
> I would appreciate hearing from you, or if you have code that you can share, I would be most grateful. Thank you.
> Regards, Jim Metz
> James T. Metz, Ph.D.
> President, Metz Research LLC422 Cross RoadGurnee, IL 60031(847) 263 - 1514Please leave a message if you want a return call.JamesTMetz_at_AOL.comwww.metzresearch.comwww.linkedin.com/in/james-t-metz-phd-6117b3131
- Next message: Peter Freddolino: "Re: Re: VMD on a WINDOWS 7 64-bit computer"
- Previous message: Brian Radak: "Re: VMD psfgen lonepair handling"
- Next in thread: Peter Freddolino: "Re: Re: VMD on a WINDOWS 7 64-bit computer"
- Reply: Peter Freddolino: "Re: Re: VMD on a WINDOWS 7 64-bit computer"
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