VMD-L Mailing List
From: jhamre (jhamre_at_masonlive.gmu.edu)
Date: Wed Mar 13 2019 - 06:23:53 CDT
- Next message: Rabeta Yeasmin: "How to fix the position of the lipid bilayer in the trajectories"
- Previous message: Ashar Malik: "Re: PSF File"
- In reply to: Ashar Malik: "Re: PSF File"
- Next in thread: soroush ziaei: "RE: PSF File"
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Hello everyone,
I am trying to set up VMD with NAMD on a remote GPU. When I normally access the GPU I use PuTTY or winscp. I am thinking this is something straight forward to do but I could not find any startup procedures for how this is done, except something from 1999 that I assume is probably outdated, especially since there is now a remote app for android.
I want to be able to access VMD on my windows computer after the GPU acceleration performs NAMD calculations remotely. I was hoping for a simple bullet point step by step on this.
- Next message: Rabeta Yeasmin: "How to fix the position of the lipid bilayer in the trajectories"
- Previous message: Ashar Malik: "Re: PSF File"
- In reply to: Ashar Malik: "Re: PSF File"
- Next in thread: soroush ziaei: "RE: PSF File"
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