VMD-L Mailing List
From: Rubner, Oliver (oliver.rubner_at_uni-muenster.de)
Date: Wed Oct 17 2018 - 03:52:54 CDT
- Next message: Eric Lang: "Dipole Watcher Plugin - atom selection not updated at every frame when drawing dipoles"
- Previous message: Francesco Pietra: "Re: psfgen patching protein-ligand"
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Dear VMD-Users,
we plan to buy some hardware (shutter-glasses, graphics adapter) for viewing trajectories in 3D under linux. Possibly also via a beamer.
The information I found on this topic is a bit outdated. Does anyone have experience with current hardware? For example, is it necessary to use the expensive Quadro cards or is there a cheaper solution?
Thank you in advance
- Next message: Eric Lang: "Dipole Watcher Plugin - atom selection not updated at every frame when drawing dipoles"
- Previous message: Francesco Pietra: "Re: psfgen patching protein-ligand"
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