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Using CVS to retrieve the VMD source code
VMD is developed using the CVS revision control system. One of the advantages of CVS over older systems such as RCS or SCCS is its ability to provide read-only source code access to scientists that wish to keep abreast of ongoing VMD developments and/or build their own versions of VMD from source code.
Using CVS access to get the current VMD source code
In order to check out a copy of the VMD source code, follow these steps (on Unix):
- Request and receive a username and password from us. After you've been granted CVS access, you may continue with the remaining steps.
- Run or add the following to your login scripts (replace "username"):
C shell: alias vmdcvs 'cvs -d'
Bourne shell: alias vmdcvs "cvs -d" - vmdcvs login (enter your password)
- In a directory that doesn't already contain files or directories of the same names do:
vmdcvs checkout vmd
vmdcvs checkout plugins
vmdcvs checkout vmdbench
vmdcvs logout
Viewing recent CVS changes on the web
Each night we run a cron job that processes the CVS history files to find source code changes for the last 30 days or so. After processing, we end up with a tree of web pages that allow you to view individual source code changes, source code diffs, and other useful information by browsing on the web. The links below will take you to this information:
Release versions and CVS tags used in VMD development
Through the course of VMD development, we go through thousands of source code revisions between major releases of the program. In order to make it easier to see what has changed between the current source tree and a previous release of VMD, we tag the source tree with a symbolic tag for the released version. The currently available CVS tags in the source tree are listed below:
- vmd-1-9-3 VMD 1.9.3 released on November 30, 2016
- vmd-1-9-2 VMD 1.9.2 released on December 28, 2014
- vmd-1-9-1 VMD 1.9.1 released on February 1, 2012
- vmd-1-9-0 VMD 1.9 released on March 14, 2011
- vmd-1-8-7 VMD 1.8.7 released on August 1, 2009
- vmd-1-8-6 VMD 1.8.6 released on April 4, 2007
- vmd-1-8-5 VMD 1.8.5 released on August 25, 2006
- vmd-1-8-4 VMD 1.8.4 released on April 17, 2006
- vmd-1-8-3 VMD 1.8.3 released on February 15, 2005
- vmd-1-8-2 VMD 1.8.2 released on December 5, 2003
- vmd-1-8-1 VMD 1.8.1 released on June 15, 2003
- vmd-1-8-0 VMD 1.8 released on December 9, 2002
You can diff the current source tree against VMD 1.9.3 with the following command:
cvs diff -rvmd-1-9-3
You can diff a specific file or files with a command such as:
cvs diff -rvmd-1-9-3 README configure
You can retrieve the source code used for older versions of VMD with a command such as: cvs get -rvmd-1-9-3 vmd
Clearing CVS tags and deleted files
If you've ever used revision numbers or symbolic tags to checkout older versions of the VMD source and you want your source tree updated to the current developmental versions of all files, issue this command in your vmd source tree:
cvs update -PAd
pg_cvsget.dox,v 1.28 2020/02/24 18:05:20 johns Exp
Generated on Mon Feb 17 02:47:12 2025 for VMD (current) by
1.2.14 written by Dimitri van Heesch,
© 1997-2002