4. My level of
expertise with molecular modeling is: *
| |
| |
5. My level of
expertise with NAMD is: *
| |
| |
6. The work I do
with NAMD is funded (at least partially) by
NIH: *
| |
| |
7. The work I do
with NAMD is biomedically relevant: *
| |
| |
8. On my
desktop/laptop I primarily use NAMD on: *
| |
| |
9. For parallel
computing I use NAMD on (check all that
apply): *
| |
| |
10. I use NAMD
primarily for: *
| |
| |
11. The number of
people using NAMD at my site is: *
| |
| |
12. I use NAMD
for__________of my molecular dynamics
simulations: *
| |
| |
13. I use
NAMD because it: | |
| |
14. I have
downloaded the NAMD source code to: | |
| |
15. I primarily
generate input files for NAMD with: *
| |
| |
16. Rate the
importance to your work of these PLANNED
enhancements: | |
| |
17. Select the
PLANNED enhancement that should have the highest
priority for development: *
| |
| | |
18. Rate your
agreement with these statements describing NAMD:
| |
| |
19. I am satisfied
with NAMD: *
| |
| |
20. NAMD has
improved the quality of my work: *
| |
| |
21. Not having NAMD
available (e.g., in case of discontinued funding
of NAMD development) would negatively impact my
scientific productivity: *
| |
| |
22. I would cite my
use of NAMD in resulting publications: *
| |
| |
23. I have used the
NAMD tutorial: *
| |
| |
24. What suggestions do
you have for improving NAMD and NAMD
support?: |
| | |