From: Mi Yang (
Date: Thu Dec 24 2020 - 13:02:23 CST
Dear Colleagues,
I have calculated RMSF using NAMD/VMD and got a plot of 902 residues vs
But when I look the same protein in PyMol or other visualizer, its shows to
me from 6 to 112 in sequence mood.
A quick look into the TCL window show about 5760 residues
Info) Analyzing structure ...
Info) Atoms: 20107
Info) Bonds: 14608
Info) Angles: 11928 Dihedrals: 9360 Impropers: 587 Cross-terms: 221
Info) Bondtypes: 0 Angletypes: 0 Dihedraltypes: 0 Impropertypes: 0
Info) Residues: 5760
Info) Waters: 5534
Info) Segments: 5
Info) Fragments: 5537 Protein: 2 Nucleic: 0
Any suggestion please because I want to see RMSF highest value for what
I already checked the NAMD tutorial guide but did not get an answer....
Many thanks in advance!
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