From: Gumbart, JC (
Date: Thu Dec 03 2020 - 21:57:23 CST
Also, have a look at and the supplemental files for examples.
On Dec 3, 2020, at 10:35 PM, Mohammed umar Sheriff <<>> wrote:
Ask the suitable person whose details are visible in the webpage namd-l: Re: Hydrogen Mass Repartitioning in NAMD (<>
Sent from Mail<> for Windows 10
From: McGuire, Kelly<>
Sent: 04 December 2020 08:38
Subject: namd-l: Hydrogen Mass Repartitioning
Does anyone have a tutorial on how to implement hydrogen mass repartitioning in NAMD? I have never used this method before. Thanks!
Dr. Kelly L. McGuire
PhD Biophysics
Department of Physiology and Developmental Biology
Brigham Young University
LSB 3050
Provo, UT 84602
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