From: Kosar Khajeh (
Date: Thu Jul 16 2020 - 08:13:30 CDT
---- Dear NAMD users, I have used the green kubo method to calculate the viscosity based on the ( I wrote a fortran code to obtain the viscosity based on the NAMD output file (i mean pressure data at every time step). In the case of the water box, there was a good agreement between my result and experimental value for viscosity. My goal is to simulate the mixture of the Phenyl propionic acid and choline chloride in the box. The problem is raised when I calculate the viscosity for this mixture system by using my fortran code. Unfortunately, the viscosity value during time is not converged and it is not in reasonable range, as well. I do not know what the problem is !...I have below questions...Any suggestion and help is appreciated. 1-This method is not applicable for calculating the viscosity of the mixture? Or should I make some modification in method or code? 2- My code has some problems? (However it is working well for the water system). 3- Do you know how I can calculate the viscosity by using data obtained from the NAMD simulation? Please let me know if you need output data to check the code. I will send it to you. Again thank you for your time and consideration in advance. Best regards Kosar *The fortran code;* program GreenKobu implicit none INTEGER::K,M,N,S,Nchain,DM,DN REAL::T double precision,allocatable::Pxy(:),Pxz(:),Pyz(:),SUMxy(:),SUMxz(:),SUMyz(:),SUMxyz(:) double precision::SUMorigins,Viscosity,Volume,Kb K=1000001 DN=1 DM=1 Nchain=K/DN allocate(Pxy(K),Pxz(K),Pyz(K),SUMxy(K),SUMxz(K),SUMyz(K),SUMxyz(K)) Volume=137299.0034E-30 Kb=1.38E-23 T=321 ! PRINT*,Volume OPEN(1,file='1.txt',status='old',action='read') OPEN(2,file='2.txt',status='old',action='read') OPEN(3,file='3.txt',status='old',action='read') READ(1,*) Pxy !PRINT*,Pxy READ(2,*) Pxz READ(3,*) Pyz DO M=1,K,DM SUMxy(M)=0.0 SUMxz(M)=0.0 SUMyz(M)=0.0 SUMxyz(M)=0.0 DO N=1,K,DN SUMxy(M)=SUMxy(M)+Pxy(N)*Pxy(M) SUMxz(M)=SUMxz(M)+Pxz(N)*Pxz(M) SUMyz(M)=SUMyz(M)+Pyz(N)*Pyz(M) END DO !PRINT*,"SUMxy(",M,")",SUMxy(M) SUMxyz(M)=SUMxy(M)+SUMxz(M)+SUMyz(M) END DO SUMorigins=0.0 DO S=1,K,DM SUMorigins=SUMorigins+SUMxyz(S) END DO Viscosity=(Volume/(Kb*T*3))*(SUMorigins/Nchain) !Viscosity=SUMorigins/Nchain PRINT*,"Viscosity=",Viscosity end program GreenKobu
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