From: Adupa Vasista (
Date: Sun Jul 12 2020 - 10:05:41 CDT
Yes that is the way.
On Sun, Jul 12, 2020 at 2:28 PM Raman Preet Singh <> wrote:
> Dear All,
> I am a new NAMD user and have a very trivial question.
> I ran a simulation which got aborted at step 12975000 (the last step in
> .xst file) due to power outage. Looking through the NAMD mailing list and
> NAMD tutorial, I believe that I need to restart my simulation with
> firsttimestep set to 12975000. Then I need to concatenate the two dcd
> files. Is this the correct way?
> Thanks,
> Raman
-- *A.VasistaM.Tech,Department Of Chemical Engineering,* *IIT Guwahati.*
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