From: Vidhya Sankar (
Date: Mon Sep 10 2018 - 07:34:34 CDT
Dear namd users
I am using membrane tutorial in that tutorial they used a TCL script named as Keep_water_out.tcl. I am able to use that script without any exception by setteing set watexcept { } being Non familiar with tcl script When i use that script, none of the water molecules taken to push Up or to push down . but for my system , force must be given to all water molecules to prevent lipid hydration But the script run well without any error . My question is how to enable the index of water molecules to be taken to push up or push down in every 100 steps My output files is given as follows
TCL: Waters to push Up:
TCL: Waters to push Down:
TCL: Reassign waters to push at step: 0
My tcl script is given below
# user definitions begin
print "Starting Tcl forces"
# define force constant per group (Kcal/(mol*A))
set fconst 0.1
set pressure 1.0
set fconstUp [expr $fconst*$pressure]
set fconstDown [expr -$fconst*$pressure]
# define water and lipid names
set watResName "TIP3 "
set watAtomName "OH2 "
set lipResName "POPC"
set lipAtomName "C1 "
# define exceptions
set watexcept {8041}
# user definitions stop here!
# preprocessing for calcforces
# define all water oxigens and lipid C21 :
set waters_list {}
set c21plus_list {}
set c21minus_list {}
set inStream [open $allatompdb r]
foreach line [split [read $inStream] \n] {
set string1 [string range $line 0 3]
set string2 [string range $line 6 10]
set string3 [string range $line 17 20]
set string4 [string range $line 13 15]
set string5 [string range $line 46 53]
set string6 [string range $line 72 75]
set string7 [string range $line 22 25]
if { ([string equal $string1 {ATOM}] || \
[string equal $string1 {ATOM}] ) && \
[string equal $watResName $string3] &&\
[string equal $watAtomName $string4] } {
lappend waters_list "[string trim $string6]\
[string trim $string7] $watAtomName"
if { ([string equal $string1 {ATOM}] || \
[string equal $string1 {ATOM}] ) && \
[string equal $lipResName $string3] &&\
[string equal $lipAtomName $string4] } {
if { [string trim $string5] >= 0 } {
lappend c21plus_list "[string trim $string6]\
[string trim $string7] $lipAtomName"
} else {
lappend c21minus_list "[string trim $string6]\
[string trim $string7] $lipAtomName"
close $inStream
# make list of indices
set waters {}
set c21plus {}
set c21minus {}
foreach atomrecord $c21plus_list {
foreach {segname resid atom} $atomrecord { break }
set atomindex [atomid $segname $resid $atom]
lappend c21plus $atomindex
addatom $atomindex
foreach atomrecord $c21minus_list {
foreach {segname resid atom} $atomrecord { break }
set atomindex [atomid $segname $resid $atom]
lappend c21minus $atomindex
addatom $atomindex
foreach atomrecord $waters_list {
foreach {segname resid atom} $atomrecord { break }
set atomindex [atomid $segname $resid $atom]
set flag 0
foreach excep $watexcept {
if ($atomindex==$excep) {
set flag 1
if ($flag==0) {
lappend waters $atomindex
addatom $atomindex
set c21plus [concat $c21plus]
set c21minus [concat $c21minus]
set waters [concat $waters]
if {([llength $c21plus] > 0) && ([llength $c21minus] > 0)} {
set push 1
} else {
print "WARNING: membrane has not been detected"
set push 0
# initialize printing counter (independent on step counter)
set pushCount $waterCheckFreq
set checkCount $lipidCheckFreq
set printcount 0
set waterstopushUp {}
set waterstopushDown {}
# this procedure is executed at each time step
print "Starting calcforces..."
proc calcforces {} {
global fconstUp fconstDown stateread fstate fcount
global stepcount lipidCheckFreq waterCheckFreq
global pushCount checkCount printcount
global waters c21plus c21minus zplus zminus
global waterstopushUp waterstopushDown pressure
global push
if {$push == 1} {
##------------------------- apply forces ----------------------------###
# print " Up: $waterstopushUp"
# print "Down: $waterstopushDown"
foreach i $waterstopushUp {
set f [list 0.0 0.0 $fconstUp ]
# print "Push up atom $i at z $z with force $f "
addforce $i $f
foreach i $waterstopushDown {
set f [list 0.0 0.0 $fconstDown ]
# print "Push down atom $i at z $z with force $f "
addforce $i $f
###------- get atom indeces from NAMD before recalculation ----###
if { $pushCount == [expr $waterCheckFreq -1] } {
loadcoords coord
# print "Reconfiguring I ..."
# reconfig
foreach atom $c21plus {
addatom $atom
foreach atom $c21minus {
addatom $atom
foreach atom $waters {
addatom $atom
###------------ recalculate membrane size and waters to push -----------###
if { $checkCount == $lipidCheckFreq } {
loadcoords coord
set zplus 0.0
foreach index $c21plus {
foreach {x y z} $coord($index) { break }
# print "Z($index): $z"
set zplus [expr $zplus + $z]
set zplus [expr $zplus/double([llength $c21plus]) ]
set zminus 0.0
foreach index $c21minus {
foreach {x y z} $coord($index) { break }
# print "Z($index): $z"
set zminus [expr $zminus + $z]
set zminus [expr $zminus/double([llength $c21minus ] ) ]
print "membrane dimensions at step $printcount: {$zplus $zminus}"
set checkCount 0
if { $pushCount == $waterCheckFreq } {
set waterstopushUp {}
set waterstopushDown {}
set zHalf [expr ($zplus - $zminus)/2.0 ]
foreach index $waters {
foreach {x y z} $coord($index) { break }
### print "$z"
if { $z >= $zminus && $z <= $zplus } {
# print "$z in $index"
if { [expr $zplus - $z] <= $zHalf } {
lappend waterstopushUp $index
} else {
lappend waterstopushDown $index
print "Waters to push Up: $waterstopushUp"
print "Waters to push Down: $waterstopushDown"
print "Reassign waters to push at step: $printcount"
set pushCount 0
# reconfig
# print "Reconfiguring II ..."
set waterstopush [concat $waterstopushUp $waterstopushDown]
foreach atom $waterstopush {
addatom $atom
incr printcount
incr pushCount
incr checkCount
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