From: Nick Palmer (
Date: Thu Jul 05 2018 - 17:39:25 CDT
I did not do that, I applied patches and generated the structure. How do
you do that?
On Thu, Jul 5, 2018, 6:05 PM Vermaas, Joshua <>
> Ahh, that's a different problem. Did you regenerate angles and dihedrals
> after a patch? A mistake I've made more often than I'd care to admit is
> forgetting this after a patch, and as a result not having *any* bonded
> terms at the join point to keep the geometries sane.
> -Josh
> On 2018-07-05 16:00:39-06:00 Nick Palmer wrote:
> I will try the extra bonds term, however the bond is not just cis, the
> n-co-ca bond angle is 180 degrees by the end of the minimization.
> On Thu, Jul 5, 2018, 5:34 PM Vermaas, Joshua <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Nick,
>> The initial geometry probably has more to do with it. The dihdedral that
>> describes a peptide bond has the functional form cos(2*phi-180), which has
>> minima at 0 and 180. Normally, the initial geometry is such that you get
>> the correct trans peptide bond upon minimization, but in your case the
>> minimizer just found the cis-peptide potential energy minimum, which you'll
>> need to fix. VMD has a snazzy cis-peptide plugin (
>> <>)
>> that will let you fix this for normal amino acids, although I don't know if
>> the selections it uses under the hood will recognize your modified residue.
>> Another possibility is to add a ridiculous extra-bonds dihedral term in
>> addition to the regular bond to make the cis-well disappear (this is what
>> the plugin sets up for you). See
>> <>
>> -Josh
>> On 2018-07-05 15:22:30-06:00 wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I have been trying to create a new residue topology and add parameters to
>> it. The topology and parameters work, however when minimizing the structure
>> the peptide bond connected to the c terminal of the new residue is
>> distorted so that the peptide bond has a 0 dihedral angle rather than the
>> 180 it is supposed to have. When creating the psf for this molecule, I had
>> to manually link this residue to the rest of the chain with a LINK patch--000000000000d1332905704838cd--
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