From: Jérôme Hénin (
Date: Fri Sep 01 2017 - 11:23:23 CDT
This line was added when Jim added constraint forces to the reported total
(git made finding this so much easier...)
On the one hand, having zero force on fixed atoms is physically consistent.
On the other hand, if a user explicitly requests the force on a fixed atom,
they are probably after some information that is not zero. So if we were to
disable this, it would have to come with a warning in the doc: if you want
the *true* total force on a fixed atom, constraints included, just don't
query it. You know it's zero.
On 1 September 2017 at 18:02, Jérôme Hénin <> wrote:
> Actually, looking into the code behind this, I think there is a way. The
> force gets zeroed out arbitrarily in ComputeGlobal.C, line 374:
> if ( fixedAtomsOn && atoms[i].atomFixed ) f_sum = 0.;
> Commenting out that line and rebuilding NAMD seems to do the job for me.
> Please test this, and if the force values you obtain seem correct, I'll
> submit a patch.
> Jerome
> On 1 September 2017 at 18:01, Ben Adams <> wrote:
>> Is there any way to out put the constraint force separately?
>> On Fri, Sep 1, 2017 at 10:48 AM, Jérôme Hénin <>
>> wrote:
>>> Indeed... What I suspect might be happening here is that the constraint
>>> force gets included in the reported total force, which adds up to zero.
>>> Jerome
>>> On 1 September 2017 at 17:36, Ben Adams <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Thanks but even when I use fixedAtomsForces it still returns zeros.
>>>> For example here atom 2431 is frozen but the force output is zeros:
>>>> fixedAtoms on
>>>> fixedAtomsForces on
>>>> fixedAtomsFile fix.pdb
>>>> fixedAtomsCol B
>>>> tclForces on
>>>> tclForcesScript {
>>>> set nter [addgroup {1}]
>>>> set cter [addgroup {2431}]
>>>> proc calcforces {} {
>>>> global cter
>>>> loadcoords coor
>>>> enabletotalforces
>>>> if {[getstep] > 0} {
>>>> loadtotalforces forces
>>>> print $forces($nter)
>>>> # print cter= $forces(cter)
>>>> }
>>>> }
>>>> }
>>>> On Thu, Aug 31, 2017 at 5:36 PM, Jérôme Hénin <> w
>>>> rote:
>>>>> I've been told of a certain command named fixedAtomsForces that sounds
>>>>> just like what you need :-)
>>>>> Jerome
>>>>> On 1 September 2017 at 00:03, Ben Adams <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Dear NAMD users,
>>>>>> I want to calculate forces on a few constrained atoms while I'm doing
>>>>>> merely energy minimization. I used colvars with harmonic restraints and
>>>>>> obtained force based on the distance of the atom of interest to a specified
>>>>>> Center value. But the minimization causes dramatic fluctuations on
>>>>>> calculation of force. Changing the force constant, minimization options
>>>>>> mentioned in tutorial don't help that much. and the results are not even
>>>>>> reproducible.
>>>>>> An alternative way would be to freeze that atom and calculate the
>>>>>> force directly. But using the 'fixedAtoms' option leaves the force at the
>>>>>> atom equal to zero and do not allow to extract its value.
>>>>>> Is there any other way to freeze an atom while the force on it is
>>>>>> being calculated?
>>>>>> Or is there anyway to make minimization more stable when a colvar
>>>>>> constraint is present?
>>>>>> Thanks in advance,
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