From: Adrien Cerdan (
Date: Wed Nov 22 2017 - 10:09:51 CST
Dear all,
I recently got access to a HPC with POWER8+ NVIDIA Tesla P100 (S822LC).
In order to benefit the most from latest NAMD features I compiled a
nightly-build "Linux-POWER-g++-verbs-smp-cuda".
My system is about 200,000 atoms and on one node I got decent
performances (_0.0065 s/step_, ~27 ns/day) using all four GPUs and 2
threads/core, in LSF environment:
#1 node :
#BSUB -n 1
#BSUB -R "span[ptile=1]"
#BSUB -R 'rusage[ngpus_shared=1]'
$charmrun_bin ++verbose ++scalable-start ++mpiexec ++p 40 ++ppn 40
$namd2_bin +idlepoll +setcpuaffinity +pemap 0-159:8.2 prod01.namd >
_0.0065 s/step
_In a first attempt I just increased the number of nodes:
#2 nodes: _
_#BSUB -n 2
#BSUB -R "span[ptile=1]"
#BSUB -R 'rusage[ngpus_shared=1]'
$charmrun_bin ++verbose ++scalable-start ++mpiexec ++p 80 ++ppn 40
$namd2_bin +idlepoll +setcpuaffinity +pemap 0-159:8.2 prod01.namd >
_0.0075 s/step
#4 nodes: _
_ #BSUB -n 4
#BSUB -R "span[ptile=1]"
#BSUB -R 'rusage[ngpus_shared=1]'
$charmrun_bin ++verbose ++scalable-start ++mpiexec ++p 160 ++ppn 40
$namd2_bin +idlepoll +setcpuaffinity +pemap 0-159:8.2 prod01.namd >
_0.0060 s/step
Unsurprisingly it leads to bad performances ... According to NAMD
documentation I should go for "one process per GPU and as many threads
as available cores, reserving one core per process for the communication
thread". So I tried the following:
#4 nodes: _
_ #BSUB -n 8
#BSUB -R "span[ptile=4]"
#BSUB -R 'rusage[ngpus_shared=1]'
$charmrun_bin ++verbose ++scalable-start ++mpiexec ++p 72 ++ppn 9
$namd2_bin +idlepoll +setcpuaffinity +pemap 0-63:8.2,80-143:8.2 +commap
64,72,144,152 prod01.namd > prod01.out
_0.1 s/step
But at the end of the day the performances are orders of magnitude worst ...
I am obviously doing something wrong with the SMP instructions in
multi-nodes situation. By the way, I am also new to LSF instructions and
I might be wrong in my request of resources.
Since I saw in James Phillips presentation some amazing numbersyou
reached on Oak Ridge SUMMITDEV, I was wondering if I could benefit from
your experience on this very architecture ?
Is it possible that I miss the scaling on multiple nodes because of the
size of my system (200,000 atoms) which is smaller than the 1M atom
benchmark presented by James Phillips ?
-- *Adrien Cerdan* PhD student /Laboratoire d’Ingénierie des Fonctions Moléculaires/ ISIS, Université de Strasbourg 8 allée G. Monge - BP 70028 67083 Strasbourg Cedex - France
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