From: Florian Blanc (
Date: Mon Aug 07 2017 - 08:47:02 CDT
Dear NAMD users,
Coming back from the week-end with a fresher mind, I figured the source
of the error I was describing has nothing to do with replicaRecv but
simply comes from a syntax mistake in my tcl code: the elseif
instruction should be on the same line as the closing bracket of the if.
Once this is corrected the code runs fine.
Apologies for this confusion,
On 08/04/2017 05:17 PM, Florian Blanc wrote:
> Dear NAMD users,
> I am trying to run multiple-copy simulations with an MPI build of NAMD
> (either 2.11 or recent Git version). But, I am having trouble setting
> up the communication between the replicas using replicaSend and
> replicaRecv. Here is a minimal example in which I try to send the
> value of a variable from one replica to another at the end of the run.
> This is just a dummy case to illustrate the problem I am facing, which
> I think relates to my misunderstanding of the syntax of the
> replicaSend and replicaRecv commands.
> replicaBarrier
> set replica_id [myReplica]
> set num_replicas [numReplicas]
> # set a different temperature for each replica
> set temperature [ expr 100.0 + 100.0*double($replica_id) ]
> # Declare all NAMD simulation parameters
> # ...
> run 100
> replicaBarrier
> # And now try to send the value of temperature from replica 1 to
> replica 0:
> if { $replica_id == 1 } {
> replicaSend $temperature 0
> }
> elseif { $replica_id == 0 } {
> # receive the value of temperature and store it in variable foo
> set foo [replicaRecv 1]
> }
> # END
> I execute this code with a command like:
> mpirun -np 2 namd2 +replicas 2 initial.conf +stdout
> ./%03d/replica%03d.log
> and obtain the following error when NAMD attempts to execute the part
> of the script that deals with inter-replica communication:
> REPLICA 0 FATAL ERROR: wrong # args for NAMD config parameter
> while executing
> "elseif { $replica_id == 0 } {
> set foo [replicaRecv 1]
> }"
> As I understand it, it tells me that the number of arguments for the
> function replicaRecv is wrong. I am confused, because in the
> documentation it is said that replicaRecv takes as argument the
> identifier of the source process, that is, the one which sent the
> data. I had the impression that I had respected this syntax.
> Note that everything before this (setting up and running the
> simulation) works fine.
> Could you please help me figure out what I am missing regarding how
> replicaSend and replicaRecv are supposed to be used?
> Many thanks in advance for your help, and I apologize if my request is
> insufficiently clear.
> Florian Blanc
> PhD student, University of Strasbourg
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