From: Radak, Brian K (
Date: Tue Jun 06 2017 - 11:29:09 CDT
I haven't seen a tutorial, but my understanding was that the "old" aMD output retains its meaning with the new code.
The code snippet your provide looks like it computes a linear response-like approximation to the bias free energy:
f_bias ~= < dU > / kT
which is reportedly accurate for GaMD, although a variance term may also be appropriate. I don't know off-hand whether or not a linear response re-weighting procedure is also recommended - maybe this can be linearized too?
Brian Radak
Postdoctoral Appointee
Leadership Computing Facility
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 South Cass Avenue, Bldg. 240
Argonne, IL 60439-4854
(630) 252-8643
From: <> on behalf of Francesco Pietra <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 6, 2017 10:58:40 AM
Subject: namd-l: about GaMD reweighting
Does the following aMD reweighting "grep"
# For NAMD simulation:
# grep "ACCELERATED MD" namd.log | awk 'NR%1==0' | awk '{print $6/(0.001987*300)" " $4 " " $6 " "$8}' > weights.dat
apply to GaMD too? Is any tutorial about?
francesco pietra
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