From: Jérôme Hénin (
Date: Tue May 30 2017 - 23:10:42 CDT
That is correct, the error message came from the Tcl script that implements
the ZY estimator. Good catch.
On May 30, 2017 21:19, <> wrote:
> The eabf.tcl in NAMD_2.12_Source/lib/eabf is the implementation of
> Zheng/Yang estimator. It may not support semi-eABF. If you want to use
> semi-eABF, you can disable it and use czar estimator only.
> I have asked the author of Z/Y estimator to subscribe this mailing list
> but he seems to have some trouble with subscribing and sending mails.
> 在 2017年05月31日 00:01, Souvik Sinha 写道:
> Actually, the error lines are the following :
> colvars: Error while executing calc_colvar_forces:
> colvars: can't read "extendedFluctuation": no such variable
> FATAL ERROR: Error in the collective variables module: exiting.
> So, I think it's arriving from the "calc_colvar_forces" process of the
> tcl script eabf.tcl that I am sourcing during the run. But I couldn't find
> any sort of warning line written in that tcl script. So may be its from
> some other Tcl script related to colvars.
> P.S. eabf.tcl is given with NAMD2.12 package
> Souvik
> On Tue, May 30, 2017 at 6:42 PM, Giacomo Fiorin <>
> wrote:
>> Hi, I think that there must be either a transcription error, or there is
>> a Tcl script somewhere that prints an error message with the "colvars:"
>> prefix. That error message doesn't look like it comes from the C++ code--001a11423a1e9704400550ca1aff--
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