From: Jeff Comer (
Date: Mon May 01 2017 - 11:22:48 CDT
In case this is a help to anyone, I figured out how to get multiple-copy
algorithms and CUDA on a single node by avoiding the SMP builds and using
the netlrts Charm++ configuration. There is a warning that the performance
will not be good. However, at least in my case, the performance using
netltrs with CUDA is about 75% of the performance I get for 3 simultaneous
independent runs using the official NAMD 2.12 multicore-CUDA build, which I
consider pretty good performance. Furthermore, I'm still getting 2.5 times
the performance with my netlrts-CUDA build than with the official netlrts
build (without CUDA).
3 independent multicore-CUDA: 150 ns/day/replica
3 multiple-copy netlrts-CUDA: 111 ns/day/replica
3 multiple-copy netlrts without CUDA: 42 ns/day/replica.
Here is my procedure. It assumes that I have charm-6.7.1 in
$HOME/Software/charm-6.7.1/ and previous builds of fftw, tcl, and
tcl-threaded in $HOME/Software/NAMD_2.10b1_Source.
# Build charm++
cd $HOME/Software/charm-6.7.1/
./build charm++ netlrts-linux-x86_64 --with-production
# Build NAMD
cd $HOME/charm-6.7.1/Software/NAMD_2.12_Source/
ln -fs $HOME/Software/NAMD_2.10b1_Source/fftw
ln -fs $HOME/Software/NAMD_2.10b1_Source/tcl-threaded
ln -fs $HOME/Software/NAMD_2.10b1_Source/tcl
echo "CHARMBASE = $HOME/Software/charm-6.7.1" > Make.charm
# Edit ./config and Remove "exit 1" from the error "Consider ibverbs-smp or
verbs-smp (InfiniBand), gni-smp (Cray), or multicore (single node)."
./config Linux-x86_64-g++ --cuda-prefix /usr/local/cuda-8.0 --with-cuda
--charm-arch netlrts-linux-x86_64
cd Linux-x86_64-g++
make -j6
# Run NAMD with three replicas on 12 cores and 3 GPUs
rm -f ${f%.*}.*.log
$charm $namd +idlepoll ++verbose ++local ++ppn 12 +p 12 +replicas 3
+devicesperreplica 1 $f +stdout ${f%.*}.%d.log & disown
It should be noted that "nvidia-smi" shows me that there are 4 processes
per GPU, which is probably why there is the warning about performance.
However, if I reduce to 2 processes per replica, the performance is reduced
to 0.66 of the performance with 4 processes per replica (111 ns/day/replica
to 74 ns/day/replica).
Jeffrey Comer, PhD
Assistant Professor
Institute of Computational Comparative Medicine
Nanotechnology Innovation Center of Kansas State
Kansas State University
Office: P-213 Mosier Hall
Phone: 785-532-6311 <%28785%29%20532-6311>
On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 3:13 PM, Jeff Comer <> wrote:
> My goal is to use multiple-copy algorithms and CUDA simultaneously on
> a workstation running Ubuntu linux. However, I can't seem to get the
> verbs-smp-CUDA or verbs-smp builds of NAMD to work. For simplicity,
> let's not talk about CUDA and just look at verbs-smp. I want to run 2
> replicas on a 6-core machine. I do the following:
> namd=$HOME/Software/NAMD_2.12_Linux-x86_64-verbs-smp-CUDA/namd2
> charm=$HOME/Software/NAMD_2.12_Linux-x86_64-verbs-smp-CUDA/charmrun
> f=sabf_graph_wvsing.0.namd
> $charm $namd ++verbose ++local ++ppn 6 +p 6 +pemap 0-5 +commap 2,5
> +replicas 2 $f +stdout ${f%.*}.%d.log
> and get these messages:
> Charmrun> charmrun started...
> Charmrun> adding client 0: "", IP:
> Charmrun> adding client 1: "", IP:
> Charmrun> adding client 2: "", IP:
> Charmrun> adding client 3: "", IP:
> Charmrun> adding client 4: "", IP:
> Charmrun> adding client 5: "", IP:
> Charmrun> Charmrun =, port = 34440
> Charmrun> IBVERBS version of charmrun
> Charmrun> start 0 node program on localhost.
> Charmrun> node programs all started
> Charmrun> Waiting for 0-th client to connect.
> Charmrun> error attaching to node '':
> Socket closed before recv.
> I tried installing some ibverbs packages, but that didn't seem to fix
> the problem. Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Jeff
> –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––———————
> Jeffrey Comer, PhD
> Assistant Professor
> Institute of Computational Comparative Medicine
> Nanotechnology Innovation Center of Kansas State
> Kansas State University
> Office: P-213 Mosier Hall
> Phone: 785-532-6311 <%28785%29%20532-6311>
> Website:
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