From: Carlos Simmerling (
Date: Wed Sep 28 2016 - 11:34:52 CDT
hi all,
forgive the slightly off-topic email, but participants on this list often
apply for these awards and I wanted to send notice in case you didn't see
the COMP Division announcements. Feel free to forward to anyone that might
be interested.
Carlos Simmerling
Applications are open for travel awards from the ACS Division of Computers
in Chemistry, to be awarded at the Spring 2017 national meeting in San
Francisco, California (April 2-6, 2017). Please follow the links below for
information on how to apply. The deadline to apply for the CCG, Wiley or
OpenEye awards is midnight EDT Monday, September 30, 2016.
1) CCG Research Excellence award (graduate students)
2) Wiley Computers in Chemistry Outstanding Postdoc Award
3) OPENEYE Outstanding Junior Faculty Award (tenure-track Assistant
4) NVIDIA GPU Award for Best GPU Poster
More information on the ACS COMP division can be found on the web site at, or by contacting
Please forward this information to any relevant research labs or email
Carlos Simmerling
Chair, ACS COMP Division Awards Committee
Professor, Department of Chemistry
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY 11794-3400
carlos.simmerling *|*
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