From: Kevin C Chan (
Date: Tue Sep 13 2016 - 23:10:21 CDT
So how could we explain the first few lines of colvars.traj are all
deviated values? Shouldn't they be unwrapped already during the run? Even
if it measure 63.3 from a wrapped coor, it could never measure another 63.3
from a unwrapped one. So what was it coupling?
In fact, you raised a very good point. I have reported previously problems
with colvars when calculating dihedrals with restarted NAMD auto-wrapping
turned on. I just did not aware it could also be the problem with simple
distance calculations.
Thanks anyway.
Thank you for the reminding. I thought "ForceNoPBC yes" would help the PBC
Many more thanks if other colvars contributors could share your experience!
On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 4:22 AM, Sourav Ray <> wrote:
> Hello
> If I may add, it is better to keep the box size large (to accommodate the
> variation in colvar) and specify an upper boundary (in case it can be
> determined) to get reasonable results, else the periodic conditions will
> result in large fluctuations in the output generated.
> Regards
> Sourav
> On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 1:46 AM, Giacomo Fiorin <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Kevin, the wrapping is only done in the file, not in the memory during
>> a run. Thus, any wrapping issue would only arise when the restart file is
>> read by the next run.
>> On Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 1:27 PM, Tabris Chun Chan <
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi Fiorin, thank you for the hints. However, I am wondering if it is the
>>> case, shouldn't colvars meaure the value after NAMD unwrapping the restart
>>> coordinates? If it is really reading a wrapped value, what will happen when
>>> it couples a wrapped value to the window center during a unwrapped run?
>>> Hard to imagine.
>>> Many thanks!
>>> Regards,
>>> Kevin
>>> On 14 Sep 2016, 00:24 +0800, Giacomo Fiorin <>,
>>> wrote:
>>> Hello Kevin, try looking into possible PBC wrapping issues. Coordinates
>>> are internally unwrapped during a run, but get wrapped when an output file
>>> (such as a restart is written) and this will affect the next run.
>>> On Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 12:19 PM, Kevin C Chan <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Dear Users,
>>>> I am doing umbrella sampling in NAMD with the colvars function. I have
>>>> specify a colvars file like this:
>>>> colvarsTrajFrequency 20
>>>> colvarsRestartFrequency 1000
>>>> colvar {
>>>> name ProjectionZ
>>>> width 1.0
>>>> distanceZ {
>>>> main {
>>>> atomsFile ../main.pdb
>>>> atomsCol B
>>>> atomsColValue 1.0
>>>> }
>>>> ref {
>>>> atomsFile ../ref.pdb
>>>> atomsCol B
>>>> atomsColValue 1.0
>>>> }
>>>> forceNoPBC yes
>>>> }
>>>> }
>>>> harmonic {
>>>> colvars ProjectionZ
>>>> centers 59.5
>>>> forceConstant 4.0
>>>> }
>>>> Pretty standard. The first three lines of colvars.traj reads:
>>>> 0 5.96855721722479e+01
>>>> 20 5.96916027979287e+01
>>>> 40 5.96942978400560e+01
>>>> Pretty close. The last three lines of colvars.traj reads:
>>>> 499940 5.91646234042935e+01
>>>> 499960 5.91735242021637e+01
>>>> 499980 5.91815463732824e+01
>>>> Also close. Good. However, strange things happen when I restart the
>>>> simulation over and over again from restart.coor, restart.vel and
>>>> restart.xsc files.
>>>> After a few times (~70) of restarts. While the last three lines of
>>>> another colvars.traj reads:
>>>> 606960 5.95480754008586e+01
>>>> 606980 5.95456901525873e+01
>>>> 607000 5.95617980942163e+01
>>>> The first three lines of the next colvars.traj reads:
>>>> 0 6.33546567861433e+01
>>>> 20 6.33540970478523e+01
>>>> 40 6.33519859940328e+01
>>>> which was pretty far away from what I want. Then I can see the colvars
>>>> shifting the value towards 5.95. Then for the next colvars.traj:
>>>> 0 4.86674663226018e+01
>>>> 20 4.86540561800189e+01
>>>> 40 4.86566065988872e+01
>>>> There seems to have something wrong with restarting simulations with
>>>> colvars turned on. Anyone has experience on this?
>>>> Thanks in advance.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Kevin
>>>> City University of Hong Kong
>>> --
>>> Giacomo Fiorin
>>> Associate Professor of Research
>>> Institute for Computational Molecular Science (ICMS)
>>> College of Science and Technology, Temple University
>>> 1925 North 12th Street (035-07), Room 704D
>>> Philadelphia, PA 19122-1801
>>> Phone: +1-215-204-4213
>>> Scholar:
>>> Personal:
>>> Lab page:
>>> *"As computer programmers we have a responsibility to make sure that we
>>> run the computers instead of the computers running us."* - Steve
>>> Oualline
>> --
>> Giacomo Fiorin
>> Associate Professor of Research
>> Institute for Computational Molecular Science (ICMS)
>> College of Science and Technology, Temple University
>> 1925 North 12th Street (035-07), Room 704D
>> Philadelphia, PA 19122-1801
>> Phone: +1-215-204-4213
>> Scholar:
>> Personal:
>> Lab page:
>> *"As computer programmers we have a responsibility to make sure that we
>> run the computers instead of the computers running us."* - Steve
>> Oualline
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