From: Atanu Maity (
Date: Thu May 19 2016 - 03:32:24 CDT
Dear users,
I am facing this problem while trying to restart an REMD (multiple walker)
run as a part of ABF simulation. I start the simulation using the following
command line –
mpirun -np 32 namd2 +replicas 4 abf-replica.namd +stdout
replica4/%d/job4.%d.log &
Four replicas were running using 8 core each properly.
The input contains the following lines –
structure step5_assembly.xplor_ext.psf
coordinates step5_assembly.pdb
set temp 303.15;
set outputname replica4/abf-22-prod2.[myReplica]
set inputname abf-22-prod1.1
binCoordinates $inputname.coor
binVelocities $inputname.vel
extendedSystem $inputname.xsc
outputname $outputname
restartfreq 10000;
dcdfreq 2000;
dcdUnitCell yes;
xstFreq 10000;
outputEnergies 10000;
outputTiming 10000;
# Force-Field Parameters
paraTypeCharmm on;
parameters toppar-namd/par_all36_prot.prm;
parameters toppar-namd/par_all36_lipid.prm;
parameters toppar-namd/toppar_all36_lipid_cholesterol.str;
parameters toppar-namd/toppar_all36_lipid_glycolipid.str;
parameters toppar-namd/toppar_all36_lipid_bacterial.str;
# These are specified by CHARMM
exclude scaled1-4
langevinPistonTemp $temp;
# Constant Temperature Control
langevin on; # langevin dynamics
langevinDamping 1.0; # damping coefficient of 1/ps (keep
langevinTemp $temp; # random noise at this level
langevinHydrogen off; # don't couple bath to hydrogens
colvars on
## Replica Exchange ##
##SElectionRules will be applied at each 100 steps###
source /apps/NAMD_2.11b1_Source/lib/selectionRules.tcl
source /apps/NAMD_2.11b1_Source/lib/resampleWalkers.tcl
source /apps/NAMD_2.11b1_Source/lib/minExchanges.tcl
firsttimestep 230000
replicaUniformPatchGrids on
set n 12500
set sharedFreq 100
for {set i 0} {$i < $n} {incr i} {
run $sharedFreq
cv bias abf1 share
if {$i % 50 == 49} {
The problem with the restart is that I did not understand which restart
files (.coor, .vel, .state) should I use because I have four sets of such
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