From: Ivaylo Nikolaev Ivanov (
Date: Tue May 17 2016 - 10:05:18 CDT
Dear colleagues,
The following is an announcement of a postdoctoral
position available in my group. Please forward to
interested candidates.
Many thanks,
Ivaylo Ivanov
Postdoctoral position in molecular modeling
A postdoctoral position is available in the chemistry department at Georgia State University in Atlanta. The postdoc will work on computational modeling of protein complexes involved in DNA replication and genome maintenance. The work involves large-scale molecular dynamics simulations and the application of hybrid modeling techniques to incorporate experimental data. For an additional perspective on this research, candidates are encouraged to visit our group website at
. The position is supported by federal funding from both the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation.
Required qualifications:
- PhD in computational chemistry, biophysics, computational biology or a related discipline
- A strong background (and publication record) in molecular dynamics, enhanced sampling methods and free energy calculations
- Coding and scripting experience
Desired qualifications:
- Familiarity with molecular modeling packages, good analytical and communication skills
- Experience with integrative modeling methods
Interested candidates should email their CV including a full list of publications, along with a brief cover letter, and request 3 letters of recommendation to be emailed on their behalf to Prof. Ivaylo Ivanov ( Initial appointment is for one year, renewable upon mutual agreement.
Research in the group is centered on the development and application of integrative or hybrid approaches for computational modeling of biological assemblies. We model and structurally characterize dynamic assemblies in DNA replication, genome maintenance and gene regulation. Significant supercomputing resources will be made available for this research. This position entails collaboration with leading experimental groups in the DNA replication and DNA repair field and such interactions will be strongly encouraged. Georgia State Univ. is located in Atlanta - a multicultural city and one of the major metropolitan areas in the USA.
Prof. Ivaylo Ivanov
Department of Chemistry, Georgia State University
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