From: Robert Sawko (
Date: Thu Nov 17 2016 - 05:51:21 CST
I am trying to run NAMD on a Firestone cluster i.e. Power8+4xK80
and I am having problems with multiple node runs. With the help of
Jim Phillips, I compiled with XL an ibverbs, smp version of charm and
Power-xLC version of NAMD. I can confirm that I can run on a single node
and observe utilisation of all four GPUs.
Our cluster is using LSF as a batch system and rsh or even ssh between
compute nodes has been switched off by admins. Therefore, Jim advised
to use mpirun so I am using OpenMPI. My understanding is that this is
only to spawn the processes. Additionally, with Power processor there's
a PE and communicator threads processor affinity setting. Also, I added
runscript with LD_LIBRARY_PATH. This is my script:
#BSUB -J namd
#BSUB -oo namd.stdout
#BSUB -eo namd.stderr
#BSUB -q panther
#BSUB -W 01:00
#BSUB -R "span[ptile=4]"
#BSUB -n 8
#BSUB -data /gpfs/fairthorpe/local/HCP004/pxs01/rrs59-pxs01/benchmarks/namd/benchmarks/namd_case
## This is data movement...
rm -rf ${HOME}/namd_on_2nodes 2> /dev/null
mkdir -p ${HOME}/namd_on_2nodes
cd ${HOME}/namd_on_2nodes
bstage in -all
AFFINITY="+commap 0,8,112,120 +pemap 16-111:8.2"
charmrun ++verbose \
++runscript ./runscript \
+p48 ++ppn 6 \
++mpiexec ++remote-shell mpiexec \
${NAMDBIN} ++verbose +idlepoll +devices 0,1,2,3 ${AFFINITY} \
29.conf > log.namd2
I get a timeout error from Charm.
Charmrun> charmrun started...
Charmrun> mpiexec started
Charmrun> node programs all started
Charmrun> error attaching to node '':
Timeout waiting for node-program to connect
I am attaching also the standard output from NAMD.
There's clearly a problem with connection. I have found similar problems
on the mailing list like for instance here:
but I am not sure if they got resolved.
Please let know if you can assist on this.
Best wishes,
-- Dr Robert Sawko Research Staff Member, IBM Daresbury Laboratory Keckwick Lane, Warrington WA4 4AD United Kingdom -- Email (IBM): Email (STFC): Phone (office): +44 (0) 1925 60 3967 Phone (mobile): +44 778 830 8522 Profile page: --Unless stated otherwise above: IBM United Kingdom Limited - Registered in England and Wales with number 741598. Registered office: PO Box 41, North Harbour, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO6 3AU
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